No it's not, i've tried it.. It's only triggered on a bound eventScript is triggered everytime a lease is bound, offered, busy, unbound etc.
我n current version of switchOS you can only set the egress rate on the ports, but it is possibleHi,
Sorry to dig up a slightly old thread, but can you rate limit on RB260GS?
我believe you can but reading this has put doubt in my mind!
This is still an issue near the end of 2019.HI, have you tried updating the RouterOS version ?
My issue is that I cannot upgrade past 6.42.x without crippling these devices.我也使用ROS 6.42.x DHCP的问题。我updated to 6.43 and the problem was solved.
This has happened on powerbox pros so far, and rb850gx2We saw this on old 300 MHz RBs and sometimes on 400MHz RB411
Yeah, "upgraded" all the routers to 6.39.3 and still see this issue.get on bug fix, no issues at all on my side