I finally got this figured out with some help from my ISP. In case it's helpful to someone else in the future, here are the settings I used: /interface vlan add interface=ether1 name=guest_network vlan-id=1003 /ip pool add name=dhcp ranges= add name=guest_dhcp ranges=192....
Lets say port 5 was the port to the apple. We will have to treat this as a hybrid port as the apple cannot handle vlans in general but we know it can work with vlan1003 I realize I left out another important piece of information which is my hardware configuration. It's frustrating and humbling to b...
Oops. I forgot to add a link tothis blog postwhere the author is doing exactly what I'm trying to do but with an ActionTech router. I'm not sure how to translate the ActionTech configuration to the MikroTik.
我有一个SXT LTE路由器。我ve been using an Apple Time Capsule as my router but I want to switch it to just a wireless access point. The Time Capsule uses VLAN 1003 for the guest network. I'm trying to use that information to configure the MikroTik router. Here's what I've done so far. /interface v...