Hello, I try bgp session without success. plese let me konw how to setup: i want to connect AS12345 to IP:, my AS 11111 and one /22 to announce, in example I've setup a template then connection in ebpg-peer: /routing bgp template add as=11111 name=NR output.filter-chain=myAsF...
Hi, my 2011L is locked to bios 2.41 and start only if I press reset switch. I try with netinstall, with 5.22 and 6.0rc5, I copy 3.02 firmware file then upgrade and reboot but bios is always 2.41 and RB don't start !! Any idea to upgrade and return in normal reboot conditions?
MikroTik use capacitor with low peak voltage. Is crazy to use 6,3v in line of 5v. I've benn replaced all the capacitors in my RB in high tower with 560uF 10v (doubled than 5v) and all works ok from 12v to 48v of power supply. My RB damaged is: RB800, RB450, RB433AH and many RB411AH supplyed at 24v o...
Yes I know perfecly what is RAM... but I think a little NAND is a limitation... I remember RB532 with 128MB Nand and I'm not understand the 48Mb free in RB1100ahx2 I refuse this engineer idea...it's only my things.. Thanks for all, great job.... but increase nand storage!
normally is 15Mbye used, if you have a few backup.... ros 5.12 cause a 0% free memory.... my question is: why only 47Mbyte HDD on this beautifull router ?
Hello, I've this scenario: client pppoe TPLINK <---> mikrotik CPE antenna <---> AP mikrotik <---> PPPoE Server inside CPE I've bridge1 = wlan1 + ether1, if I try to start pppoe in tplink this not connect, if I start pppoe inside mikrotik CPE with interface=bridge1 it works... where is the problem fo...
yes, when the client reached the total data is disconnected, but if I try to relogin, I been accepted from hotspot... I think is necessary to define sqlcounter....only with mikrotik attribute is not possible!!
profile1: all of the client in this profile have total traffic 100MByte for 30 days, next client expired profile2: all of the client in this profile have total connection time 1h / 30 days with data unlimited, next client expired
I am using OS 5.0 with freeradius & MySql with DialupAdmin interface and I want to create two user profile, the first with time limit and second with total data limit. I can use a dictionary words? I see rlm_sqlcounter script, anybody can help me?
Hi, how to add FreeRadius monitor with dude? I've add the dude IP in the radius client.conf file but the default dude check string cause a abnormal packet string in radiusd -X debug.
Thank Sergejs but this don't work. I've: PPPoE Server with FreeRadius reply & SQL database. I've created a dummy account in the database, this account return a MikroTik Framed-IP= and Framed-Route= 1 In the PPPoE Server default profile I NOT set the Local addres...
Hi, one question about freeradius & mikrotik attributes: I need to pass in autentication section different IP, Netmask & gateway to my client without use "service name". now, for IP -> framed-IP-address for netmask -> framed-netmask for gateway? Framed Route? But in the manual I do...
Hey GURU, I want to modify my checkrad file to work with more than 20 RB in the HyperLan backbone and test if snmp is better or telnet.. steps: - enable simulcheck in sql.conf - add attribute :=1 in rad sql table - snmp=on in radiusd.conf - radutmp and SQL enable in autorization section - enable snm...
how to modify checkrad file step by step? another question: how to delete duplicate account in the "online users" table? I see user connected up to 5day but this user not is online... Ragards..
Welcome back Savage, where to find this documentation? (/usr/share/freeradius/doc ??) I try to enable the query_check in the sql.conf and inside table Simultaneous-Use:=2 with Dialupadmin webpanel but I've problem with PPP users.. Tomorrow I try to insert "return= 1" in the checkrad perl s...
Hi, if I want to use "Simultaneous Use:=1" Dialup Admin option is necessary RB incoming telnet permission? Exist one alternative metod to verify if any user is already connected from another my network RB (NAS)? I see SNMP or Telnet finger type... it's a good way? Regards in advance..
Hi, how to use "Simultaneous Use" option to check multiple connection? I've more than twenty RB and I want to check if any user try to log to a diverse RB.. Thanks in advance..
No savage, Autentication with Mikrotik PPPoE and secret in pppoe-user work fine. I want to autenticate my pppoe users with Mikrotik PPPoE server and FreeRadius with DialupAdmin inteface. radiusd.conf and dialupadmin (mySQL db) work wery well with Mikrotik Hotspot interface but when try to add PPP in...
thank for the reply, Framed-IP-Addess work correctly, otherwise Pool work fine Framed-IP-Netmask return the correct data, I've check Framed-Route without success...
I use sql database not users file, where to find 'DEFAULT PPP Profile' ? regards..
Hi, my freeradius work fine with HotSpot but when I check ppp I've one error. Log is paste below... _______________________________________________________ 14:16:43 pppoe,info PPPoE connection established from 00:15:D6:02:03:54 14:16:43 pppoe,ppp,info : waiting for call... 14:16:46 radius,d...
Yes, WRT54G work fine with mikrotik hotspot and Atheros / Prism 2.5 card. I use this in WDS or Client NatRouter (Talisman) with PPPoE or normally and not have a problem. Is perfecly compatible..
Hi, I've little question about SR5 and 2.9rc10 OS. In my link, 18Km with two SR5 and two 24dB parabolic dish, when I set operational frequency, in ex. 5500 in the first RB (AP) and 5600 at the second (station), I obtain "connected to ess", why? regards
I solve this problem simple changing frequency at both RB then apply... "connect to ess" finally appear.... New problem is speed too slow at 5G with SR5. 2.9rc6 in both side work great, I upgrade with rc10 and Bandwidth Test return TCP & UDP send very slow bandwidth (43kbps). Receive m...
I've RB with 2.9rc10 with BIG problem in bandwidth caused, I think, from firmware.. rc6 work fine. Now, I cannot downgrade to rc6 because Netinstall not install rc6. I've delete all package then I loaded Netinstall without success... only rc8 to rc10 is been istalled. error in serial console: omitte...
This is a good idea.... install a power supply plug and disable internal regulator only for high power miniPCI installed. RB502 without able to use up to 4 SRx is crazy or bad solution.. Regards
Hi, I've same problem and I try to explain in wireless section post. I think is a bad SR5 management of the latest wireless package CM9 work without problem. regards
Why I've to enable WDS? I think this is a negotiation error or bad management of SR5! WDS or not, ap-bridge and station in other side now don't work idem for bridge mode in both side. My SSID's and frequency match but return only "assoc timeout" Tomorrow switch to CM9. Regards
Hi, I've made the same way! First, ap-bridge and station work perfectly Next, I've try to align the two parabolic dish with RB Alingment-only utility, after this I put one RB in ap-bridge and the second in station mode. At this time I received assoc timeout error, but if I scan from station I can se...
oki, for link align I can use one RB in "alignment only" and in other RB (slave) I check align button? I think not have perfect direction or I receive with a secondary lobe in one of the two parabolic antenna. Is possible? Regards
At the both end I've -78dBm -80dBm, same antenna (grid parabolic antenna Stella Doradus) and same miniPCI ubiquiti SR5. I've best tranfer rate in only one direction.. regards
Yes, understand all but RouterOS<-->RouterOS in configuration AP<--->station a 5Ghz with SR5 Bandwidht test return positive result only in send mode from AP RB or equivalent receive mode in station RB. WDS can resolve? regards
Hi, yes, system CPU still to 100% in receive mode and send mode, but in send mode (UDP) I have 7-12mbit and in receive mode (UDP) I have too small bandwidht!! How to run bandwidht test throught the router? Is possible? Receive only 48-80 kbit?
Hi, yes, system CPU still to 100% in receive mode and send mode, but in send mode (UDP) I have 7-12mbit and in receive mode (UDP) I have too small bandwidht!! Is possible? Receive only 48-80 kbit?
Hi, I've two RB with SR5 at 13,5Km. Link is stable a -79dBm 24Mbit. When I running bandwidht server in RB1 and bandwidht test in RB2 I see this: Direction=receive receive average 10s= 12Mbit Direction=send send average 10s= 34kbit When I running bandwidht server in RB2 and bandwidht test in RB1 I se...
Idem situation for the SR5... I've lock datarates at 6Mbit,9Mbit,12Mbit because jitter over 18 cause disconnection and continuos negotiation exchange.. I think CM9 is already the best.. is my server gateway ... <-> 84.xx.xx.xx internet RB1网络从服务器 RB1 have ip: I try to nat: to in the range of the server.... fail!
Hi, I have two RB 532 with L5 OS and I have a problem with this configuration: adsl ( <--> ether2(RB1: ...........................| ...........................-> wlan2 (RB1: with SR5 station mode ...........................| ...........................-> wlan1 (RB1: 1...
U cannot drop "connection estabilisched", try to reboot RB at 01:00 and 06:00 this work fine. Otherwise, set TCP Estabilisced Timeout= 00:01:00. After 1 min & with firewall P2P lock, estabilisched connection automatically dropped. Regards
and after scheduler successfully enable rule for P2P lock, hotspot user's still to conitinue p2p-download. How to block this? I want to kill all estabilisced connection with p2p IP because filter rule:
Hi, I have this bug, somewhere p2p-enable or p2p-disable scheduler fail or don't execute command. script /ip firewall filter {enable [find comment="lock P2P"]} scheduler setting is: start date= (today) start time=22:00:00 step=24:00:00 (1day) I use regular NTP-client for read time & da...
Hi, I can control with Dude four RB532 from external IP (in remote) and add & remove user? Is possible to create the virtual map of my network with custom alert popup's? Regard's.
Nice, option 4 in boot menù (f) is 399Mhz, next power shutdown and..... work fine! CPU load % decrease but I think to add a fan for the continuosly operation mode.
oki, for complete tracking log I have add this rule: forward in-interface=wlan1 out-interface=ether2 packet-size=50-1500 action=log is necessary limit min packet-size because log is too heavy! Now, I want to unsend same packet (x user) in log for limit occupation band... i.e. send only new packet or...
Unchecked Default forwarding in wireless interface....in my RB not work.. Second way is to create firewall rule: forwarding - src-adr=(gateway ip) - dst-adr=(gateway ip) - action=drop
with this rule you can block user p2p traffic. bye.
Oki, I understand all.....but one question: if a malicious user, in my network, damage one url or other, after (x es.:)1month where find: - user name - source ip - destination ip damaged - time - mac of user ecc ? Nomadix save log each day in this format! (Nat 1:1 or not) Is a stupid question? 10x t...
Hardware configuration: hotspot users <---> RB532 <--> Internet gateway I want to track (log file) destination ip for each user with source ip association: ip hp-user <---> ip request in gateway or ip hs-user ---> ip request in gateway I have nomadix AG2000w+ in another network and log is composed e...
Hey boy I have tree insolved question: - many RB with os 2.9rc4 I can add to Dude? - Dude can report (log, complet ip track vs internet) like nomadix (ip source:port <-> ip dest:port)? - how to setting up Dude completly in PC & RB? I see many post for RB logging question but my idea is not perfe...
I see the manual and I try to create a script but not work... I have try to add this line in script submenù: to enable firewall rule 0 add name=enable-0 source={/ip firewall filter enable 0} to disable firewall rule 0 add name=disable-0 source={/ip firewall filter disable 0} this two line are contro...