Is there any way to log where an ARP request is coming from? I am seeing thousands of requests hitting every subnet known to my gateway router. I am getting the "ipv4 neighbor table overflow, please consider increasing max-neighbor-entries" in my log which prompted me to monitor the ARP ta...
I have CCR with 750 secrets that I want to export so that I can start using Radius Server. I need a way to consistently export secret data with only the following variables "USERNAME" ; "PASSWORD" ; "PROFILE" ; "REMOTE ADDRESS" How can I create a txt file in s...
Looking to setup a new WISP network and would like to know which method of bandwidth throttling is considered the best choice today. Will be using external Radius and have a 1036 CCR for the gateway. Will have MPLS with VPLS Tunnels to each tower site. Looking at speeds of 100 to 500 mbps using 60 G...
I have 200mbps internet and need to create 2 100mbps Guaranteed queues. I would like to have individual simple queues that will have different limits assigned by PPPoE connections share 100mbps and then have share the other 100mbps ensuring that neither subnet uses th...
I should mention that we are using both PPPoE (Wireless Network GAteway) and L2TP (Forwarded from Bell DSL Network) servers on 2 different routers. With the L2TP server, the Caller ID (Mac Address) is often the same depending on which LAC forwards the credentials. Does the Only One Limit work based ...
When using Radius to authenticate PPPoE users, is there a way to ensure that Only One session can exist? If we use secrets and select a Profile with "Only One= yes" then the router refuses the second request for a connection, however if we are using an External Radius server, the "Onl...
Does anyone know if this limitation of Ether1 also exists on CSR24 operating in Router Mode? I am seeing RX Overflow errors on Ether 1 with 200 mbps and 25k pps. Tried increasing Queue Buffers but problem persists.
If this is a different issue, what other testing/troubleshooting would you suggest?
Can anyone confirm that the CCR1036 only uses one CPU for the bandwidth Test Tool? I am only able to generate about 225 mbps of TCP traffic from this routerboard while I can easily generate 500+ from a CCR1009-8G-1S-1S. Both routers are running 6.40.5. The 1009 appears to be able to multi thread the...
Hello all. I need to know how to prevent more than one connection for PPPoE user when I use external RADIUS for authentication. If I use Local Secret the user is limited to Only One session as per the PPP profile assigned to him. If Local Secret does not exist and user does exist on RADIUS with the ...
Can you please clarify which RADIUS Attribute controls "Shared Users" I find no reference to such an attribute in the wiki...
When I try to change the repeat count for a notification, it will only repeat 2 times no matter what number I choose from the pulldown menu. If I use the slider, it reverts to the number of repeats it was previously set to when I press the apply button. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong? I...
Need to add a simple switch with 2 VLANs. I would like 23 ports to be switched together (1-22 and 24) Eth23 will only carry VLAN (11 and 12). Ether24 will have the 2 Tagged Vlans and Untagged data. I need the 2 VLANs (ID 11 and 12) to be on ether23 and ether24 and all the untagged data sent to the e...
我同意监控Wirel运行一个脚本ess Interface is a bandaid solution. However, why do these units fail? Mikrotik needs to address this issue. It's not acceptable to have products that need bandaids to make them work. I have installed these units at 100' on towers and been forced to ...
Do Simple Queues passthrough or stop processing after a match? I believe in v5 they did not passthrough but in v6 it appears they might. I have a Static Simple PCQ Queue for an entire subnet of IPs. PPPoE server adds Simple Queues after my Static Simple Queue. In v5 speed was controlled by the Stati...
Just bought CCR1036 and installed RC11. Forgot to update firmware, so running 3.03 not 3.04 Only using ether 1 and 2. Was seeing couple thousand tx drops on eth1 and few hundred on eth2 during first 20 hours. Then as I removed an active PPPoE session (because I gave client a static ip) the router re...
Neighbour discovery adds every interface like pppoe users, making list unreadable. Is this corrected or is it supposed to show EVERY interface? As stated, this makes the list difficult to read. I can filter list to not contain PPP in interface name as a work around, but would prefer not to see 400 ...
I have been trying to come up with a way to have 2 core routers synced in case the main one should fail. I am not looking for failover, but rather a clone of the main router that is updated daily or more often that can be manually switched into place if the main router fails. This way, even if I am ...
Does anyone know if this motherboard (Jetway NC9KDL-2550 Dual LAN Mini-ITX Motherboard with 2 x Realtek RTL8111EVL Gigabit LAN ports) is compatible with ROS5.x?
I have searched for RTL8111EVL support and come up empty.
Upgraded to 5.23 from 5.22 and many routes are missing. I use VPLS tunnels and apply IP address /24 to each tunnel. After reboot aprox 1/3 of the routes are not in the routes table and I can not reach any IPs belonging to that subnet. If I disable and then enable the IP address, the routes are adde...
Upgraded to 5.23 from 5.22 and many routes are missing. I use VPLS tunnels and apply IP address /24 to each tunnel. After reboot aprox 1/3 of the routes are not in the routes table and I can not reach any IPs belonging to that subnet. If I disable and then enable the IP address, the routes are added...
Is there any way to force DYNAMIC simple queues (created by PPPoE) to be processed before STATIC simple queues? I a running 5.22 at this time, but am willing to jump to 6.x if that feature is available there.
Does anyone know how to log when a VPLS tunnel registers and un-registers, something like what we see in the log when an ethernet port comes up or goes down.
Would I need to upgrade both the AP and gateway to v6 or might only upgrading the AP solve my issue? I wouldn't mind upgrading an AP to see if it works, but the Gateway is too important to "test" RC versions on. Also, you didn't answer my previous question.. any chance of a v5.23 with the ...
I am having issue with VPLS tunnel crashing. I use VPLS tunnel between APs and Gateway Router. Some tunnels pass through several wireless bridges to get back to gateway. Sometimes, wireless bridges become unstable for short amounts of time, probably due to interference etc. Sometimes when a bridge g...
In Winbox, add two options to right click when clicking on a wireless client in the registration table to allow (1) Bandwidth Test and (2) Launch Winbox to open client in addition to existing mactelnet, torch etc.
I just upgraded my X86 box with level 6 from 3.30 to 4.17 to 5.14 and I have the same problem, loading the dude on port 81 does not work anymore? I am using The Dude 4 beta 3.
I want to allow for 4 connections per port per client IP. So a client with an IP address of could have 4 connections on port 80, port 25 and port 5055 while a client with IP could also have 4 connections on port 80, 25, 5055 and also 4 connections on port 1024 and 4462. Then ...
Is there a way to limit every customer IP to say 4 connections per port. I know we can limit the total number of connections per IP, but I want to limit each port to a number of connections. Or, would there e a way to list port numbers that have many connections and then limit just those ports? Basi...
I am looking for a way to monitor an in-house web server and if it stops serving pages I want to display a web page/message that says the server is down and we are working on the problem. The server is on the Lan and I have dstnat for port 80 forwarding to the server. I know we can use netwatch to m...
I would like to be able to login to a client via Winbox the same way we can PING, MAC PING, TELNET, MAC TELNET and TORCH. This would allow for quick access to other Mikrotik devices from within another device. I believe THE DUDE has this ability.
I would like to know if it is possible to do some QoS within each clients PPPoE connection. Let's say I have PPPoE connection with 3 different speeds 512k/256k, 3M/1M and 6M/2M. Can we shape traffic within each pppoe so that when a client reaches there allocated speed, Voip and Http etc will have a ...
Anyone know how to force a static script to be the very last queue in the list. I can do a move command, but I guess I need to know how to find what the last queue is. The reason is, that I wish to use the dynamic queues made by userman, but in case I have other ips that were not generated by userma...
Is it possible to make use of profiles set on my gateway through the user manager? As far as I can tell, I have to manually configure each user's rate limit settings in userman in order to control their bandwidth whereas when using the local secrets on the gateway, I can simple choose a profile and ...
Pardon my ignorance, but how do I "assign the value of the local variable to a global one" I have an AP that randomly drops all clients and stops broadcasting. I have to disable, pause and enable the interface when this happens to restore service. I plan to replace cables, amp and AP soon,...
正确的,限制UDP贝科的几乎是不可能的use it is a connectionless protocol. However I have found most issues with tower stability to be caused by TCP connections. As an example try pinging a client on your ap while running a bandwidth test with only one connection... ping times will slowd...
I have found the following firewall rules to help enormously with P2P users on our wireless network... chain=forward action=add-src-to-address-list protocol=tcp src-address= src-address-list=!bypass address-list=too-many-connections address-list-timeout=5m dst-port=1025-65535 connection...
Only 4 on this one, mainly because it was not working well through the poor noise floor... now that I have the new card in and things seem to be working better, I will be able to expand in this area.
I too have some of these cards that I was able to test and I can concur that these cards filter noise much better than the XR9s. After replacing the XR9 in one of my APs that had a noise floor of -85 the new floor is now around -105. SNR increased and disconnects became less frequent. I also saw an ...
I too was having lots of trouble getting XR9s to work in anything but 10mhz at 2427. Any other configuration would not allow all links/clients to register and would give poor results and frequent disconnects. Then I came across an alternative to the XR9, it is a new card caled the Xagyl FLR9G30 and ...
Then is it safe to say, the best practice is to run 3.30/3.31 without test package or run 4.5 or higher? Or is 3.30 OK to use with wireless test on a bridged network?
If so, what is the procedure to remove 3.30 test package from CPEs without loosing wireless configuration?
Normis says 3.30 test package = 4.x for Nstream Are there new test packages with fixes ? What's new in 4.5: *) fixed Nstreme issues with bridged traffic I have a bridged network and am running wireless test. It would be nice to have any Nstream fixes for my 3.30 boards. Also getting most new RB411 w...
有办法用这个吗s script to send email when specified IP does not reply for 5 consecutive pings and then have a second email when IP does respond to 5 consecutive pings. Using netwatch is too sensitive as I believe it changes status if a single ping is lost. I assume we have to enable and d...
I am using RB1000 for core router. We are converting our client base (aprox 300 users) from static IPs to PPPoE. We anticipate increasing users to 600 in the next couple of years. Currently we are using PPP Secrets for database. We have only converted aprox 35 clients so far. Before we get too deep,...
All I want/need is for the RB to keep the history like our PC ROS does. We can reboot the PC any time and it keeps the graph data. I have also confirmed that an RB600 also keeps it's data... just the 1000 does not?
Any solution to this issue? Running 3.25 and if router get's rebooted, graph history is lost? Using a PC graph history is saved even after shutdown. We have a 2 GB CF in the RB1000.
I have contacted support and their suggestions have not helped (Setting rstp and an admin Mac on the bridge of the crossroads board). The only way I have been able to prevent the crossroads board from broadcasting it's MAC as the gateway is to create an EoIP tunnel from the crossroads to the gateway...
OK, six month later and I still have this problem... only worse because we have add many more Crossroads configured as Pseudo bridges. I do believe the issue is with using the Pseudo Bridge configuration. On our network, we have several RB411s running STATION WDS with 900 mhz cards and they never ap...
OK, using the code below, I have discovered that other Mikrotik boxes are causing the issue... The correct gateway mac address is 00:40:F4:28:12:D4 all the other mac addresses are those of Crossroads boards that are configured as pseudobridges. Any suggestions why the macs are changing? :global oldm...
What is the proper way to config a MikroTik for connecting to a standard AP that most likely does not have WDS. I know when setting up for a MikroTik AP, we use station WDS, but I am not sure what to use without WDS. Note ether1 and wlan1 are bridged and no routing is done on the RB, it is simply a ...
Under /system packages I selected "Uninstall" and then rebooted the PC, but it is still installed? Do I have to do a shutdown? Can I just "Disable" it and reboot? I only have remote access at the moment.
PC Has been running flawlessly. I have to assume it is RB600 related. Don't have time to experiment with it any further. Going to leave it on the shelf or trade it for an RB433AH. (Can't afford the 1000U)
Totally new to MikroTik scripting. :( I need to log any changes in the ARP table for a given IP. In otherwise if the MAC address of IP changes, print it to a log file. Or if it is anything other than 00:00:00:AA:BB:CC log it. The reason I need this is I suspect a device on my network is ...
I believe I have a client trying to use the IP of my gateway router. Is there a way to log each change in the ARP table for a specific IP. I need to know what MAC address is attempting to use the IP of my gateway router. The only evidence that anyone is trying to use the gateway IP is that pings to ...
Is an RB450 powerful enough to be used as a Dude server for 5 Class C networks? It would be installed at the gateway and monitor aprox 500+ IPs? This is for a WISP setup.
If not, which RB could do this or what PC config would be adequate?
Bad News. Port 2 dropped all incoming traffic once again and required reboot to resolve it.
Going to prepare a P4 PC with 3.13 and see if the same problem persists with my config. Should help me decide if it is the RB600 or the ROS that has issues.
I was using 5 Simple PCQ queues and after reading another thread decided to remove all simple queues. So far, no lock up, but it is still early to point the finger at PCQs. Will report back later.
I have an RB600 with OS 3.13. For unknown reasons, all traffic to port 2 stops intermittently. I can not even ping the IP of that port when conected to it, however I can ping it's IP from both port 1 and 3. Sometimes the problems corrects itself and traffic starts to flow on it's own, other times, a...