Is your Equinix peer in the same BGP instance?
Do you mind posting the config of both neighbor sessions, and associated filters?
/ip route print where bgp and 177.66.x00.1 in dst-address
authorize { update request { User-Password = "%{User-Name}" } }
/radius add service=wireless address= secret=mySecret
/interface ethernet set ether1 l2mtu=9498
/ip route print where static
/routing bgp instance set default client-to-client-reflection=yes /routing bgp peer set peer1 route-reflect=yes
/routing bgp instance set default client-to-client-reflection=no /routing bgp peer set route-reflector route-reflect=no
:put [/ip firewall address-list get value-name=list [find address=192.168.x.x]]
/ip firewall filter add chain=forward action=drop in-interface=vlan_network out-interface=!internet
/interface bridge add name=loopback0
Subscriber module.what is SM?
AS 1 /routing bgp instance set 0 confederation-peers=2,3 AS 2 /routing bgp instance set 0 confederation-peers=1,3 etc…
/routing ospf instance set default distribute-default=if-installed-as-type-1
[sarcasm] Right! Because separating traffic at layer 2 is such a bad idea. [/sarcasm]use transparent bridge on all rb750 and rb433, and configure STP (rstp) on routers and switches (for backup), its much simply than use many vlans in your schema. ... owngradingHow do I downgrade it to a lower version (i.e. 4.17) ?
/routing filter add chain=tnn-out bgp-communities=11280:661,11280:662 invert-match=no action=accept set-bgp-prepend=1
Thanks for confirming this as a known bug. I tried swapping out a RB493AH with a 493G and ran into this. I'm glad it wasn't just me.this is a known problem on RB493G, you can rename the ports back to what you want, only the names have changed.
router ospf 1 passive-interface default no passive-interface FastEthernet2/3 no passive-interface FastEthernet4/5
This statement is what made me suggest EoIP. It doesn't sound like he owns all of the backhaul. If not, he can't run MPLS across another provider's network. EoIP will have to do.I guess what I'm after is a set of devices to 'plug' into the 'Internet' to provide 'tunnelling'
Several posts above yours have already covered this…sorry for the offtop, any example?.. thanks
Level 6 license?the procedure that fewi describes indicates that this is to be done externally, so if one of you can write a solution and post on the wiki, you will receive a license and everyone will have the solution they wanted.'s thundercache?
Probably not.Hi, I want know if in future, thundercache will be used inside mikrotik. Tank you.
Good to know. Thanks!/ip dhcp-server network there you can add same next-server option, and do not need to do that through /ip dhcp-server option menu.
You don'tneedanything. It's optional based on your return params.我需要有anythin吗g in radusergroup table ?
/ip hotspot set 0 address-pool=none
A tunnel is probably your best bet. VPLS, or otherwise.I really need to have complete, normal, straight routing of L3 traffic while maintaining the ability to bridge VLAN traffic. Can anyone help with this?
/interface ethernet set ether3,ether4,ether5 master-port=ether2
/ip firewall connection tracking set enabled=no
/ip route print where in dst-address /ip route export
/ip address export /ip route print /routing bgp export
/ip address export /ip route export /ip firewall filter export
/system package downgrade
/interface ethernet set master-port=ether2
/interface bridge export /interface vlan print /interface dhcp-server print /ip address print
// mac address handling on RB750, some specific arp requests did not work
Las Vegas would work well for me.My 2nd choice would be Las Vegas but then late Fall or early Winter. there another way, return the update version v4.17 can we terminate the session when we delete the user from our database?
/ip firewall connection print where protocol="tcp" dst-address~"172.0.0.[0-9]+:110"
/ip/firewall/filter/print =stats =.proplist=bytes
So, basically just anx86 box.我们雄厚ce has been that it doesn't do all that well. If you turn off basically everything else (conntrack, queues, firewall) it will get by with 2 peers probably. It takes a long time to converge. we ended up moving to a powerouter 732
/routing bgp peer resend-all /routing bgp peer refresh-all
Check outVideoCachewhich is a piece of software that needs to be used in conjunction can cache the youtube's video ?????
/ip proxy set parent-proxy= parent-proxy-port=3128
They work great. I have several 2G-16-90's on R52HN's and R52N's. No issues.please confirm me that is this antenna work fine with R52hn ?
reset-counters <接口name>
Why? IGMP Snooping ensures efficient delivery of multicast data at layer 2.Also it is recommended to disable IGMP snooping on switches.
So then I assume you want to transport it as native TDM. You can't do that using MikroTik, but I already told you that once.Yes, I did not get any proper answer and I sent it again.
I want to do it on MikroTik, not any other brands.
/ip hotspot ip-binding add server= address= typed=bypassed
/interface wireless set wlan1 frequency-mode=superchannel
/ip firewall filter add chain=forward action=accept time=0s-6h,sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri out-interface=internet add chain=forward action=drop out-interface=internet
/ip firewall nat add chain=pre-hotspot action=accept dst-address-type=!local hotspot=auth
You can't. Buy a managed switch. Refurbished Cisco's are cheap. In fact, I have a number of 3500XL's and 2900XL's I'm looking to get rid of.…How could this be done on an unmanaged switch?
/ip route add dst-address= type=unreachable distance=254
/ip route print detail where in dst-address and bgp
To find all of the Access Concentrators present on the broadcast domain.ppp-scaner ... Scan what for ???
You probably meanstatefuladdress allocation.IPv6 DHCP stateless configuration & prefix assignment
Look under 'Cookie Secure.'I don't think PHPBB supports this.
Is there any timeframe on the implementation of this? Back you 2009you mentionedthis feature would be added in later releases.目前没有建立。
Is there any timeframe on the implementation of this? Back you 2009you mentionedthis feature would be added in later releases.目前没有建立。
/interface wireless set wlan1 dfs-mode=no-radar-detect
/ip firewall filter add chain=forward action=accept out-interface=ether1 time=8h-17h,sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat add chain=forward action=drop out-interface=ether1 comment="Block traffic if outside permitted time range"
/ip firewall address-list add list=smtp-whitelist address= /ip firewall filter add chain=forward action=accept dst-port=25 src-address-list=smtp-whitelist add chain=forward action=drop dst-port=25
/ip route print where in dst-address