Try to add the first rule
add dst-port=67-68 ports=sfp-sfpplus1 protocol=udp switch=switch
谢谢!You could use rules to permit packets from the correct source IP on each client port, followed by a drop rule for any IP from all client ports.
This option is not available in switch ACL.
How can you control in a router the IPs allowed in a switch port ?Now I get it... Layer-2 security/filter using Layer-3 addresses.. Switch ACL can never check the L3-adress used.
Hmmm.. Static ARP entries on the router/gateway?
The square in front of a condition where a "!" appears when you click it is the "NOT" operator.
/routing filter rule add chain=DECIX-IN rule="discard" failure: "[Word {discard}]" - unknown action name
Good question, I just tried it, seems to work the same.
Ok, it seems the correct way is:AS Path filters are regular expressions. You don't have a regular expression in your filter.
No option for prefix-list filters/routing filter ?Cisco, Juniper, Huawei, Alcatel, etc... all have the option to create a "prefix-list" for filters. I'm surprised Mikrotik doesn't offer this option...
what's your problem?
None of them has 48 sfp+ ports or 24 qsfpTake a look here//
No PM on this forum. So kindly pass the offered gift to a charity of your choice, thank you.
BGP, filters and routing management using multicore我don't understand the constant need for v7? What are you trying to achieve now and can't that you know v7 can do?
close port 80 from outside use.
Yes, note that the route destination of the image of the firt post in not the same as the second. Are different prefixesReeeeeally stupid question, but worth asking: is the nexthop reachable on both routes? (target scope within scope?)
routing bgp advertisements print
/routing filter add action=accept chain=Peer-OUT prefix= prefix-length=0 add action=discard chain=Peer-OUT
One peer is IX point, with a lot of members.That is a lot of route filters for such a small number of peers !
/ip firewall address-list remove [find]
/routing bgp advertisements Read only information about outgoing routing information currently advertised.
/ip firewall mangle add action=route chain=prerouting passthrough=yes src-address=x.x.x.0/24 route-dst=y.y.y.y
But I'm interested to limit per destination, not per source.limiting the stream rate before it arrives at you.
/ip firewall filter add action=drop chain=output protocol=icmp
iptables -A OUTPUT -p icmp --icmp-type any -j DROP