no I did not able to test in the past but I am able to ping the server, maybe it is firewall but not mine ! In a few days I am geting new dedicate line I whill try then!
Hello, I would like to ask for second opinion just in case :) I want is to reconfigure my network with new cetralize pppoe server but not shure what whill be best solution topology! Network is not big, only 3 pops with 2 APs each! There is no redudant links and I dont expect to reach more 200 custam...
yes I said it wrong, conection was opened from client but UDP packect then was coming from internet, I was confused because traffic didnt pass to the AP and to the client , but when I think of it now it probably was but at max 5mbit !
Hi, let me hijack your thread a little bit :) ! I head similar situation UDP conection on port 9001 from user pppoe interface was kiling my backhaul link, I solve it with firewall! But I am still wondering how come it was generated from pppoe interface on core router ( host has local IP ) and how co...
I could not brake loading OS over serial to eneter bios or boot loader and try netinstall, maybee I did something wrong. In the end I needed to reinstall RouterOS with CD, only way for this x86 that works, no more upgrades!
Hello, I was upgrading my core router x86 ver. 6.21 or 22/23 not shure to current version 6.34.3 over Winbox, Package list download/upgrade! After update it seams that everything is working but I cant login !!! Winbox gets stuck on Logging in SSh access denied I tried serial, I did able to get conne...
I whill try that, I did try quick mode and seen some other macs but I think they are from wifi radio devices fallback networks trying to setup long scan now!
Thx again for detailed help! :) Proxy-arp seams tricky but the options are to use this or try 1-1 nat, but like you sead , pppoe woud look more profesional! I need to use these few public that I have smoehow! Whay this arp poisoning hapend the first time I do not know, it sounds logical that my ISP ...
谢谢你花时间和explaneing:)。Basically with this rule I cant poison my ISP arp table , he whill have same MAC for IP-s .2,.3,4,5 and that is it. Can you help me setup this rule if it is not to much to ask pl! I came to up to interface bridge filter :? :P so many options! I whill ...
Thank you for your help! One more q. with backup route I still need proxy-arp to work? If I block all arp requests on WAN except my wan IP x.x.x.2 there is no problem resolving IP x.x.x.3? What mac address is used in this situation for clients adress .3? Edit: for arp firewall-ing I use brdige filte...
Hi, first time I tryed this I did it like you seid with proxyarp and it worked but .. then some kind of arp poisoning hapend to my ISP and got disconeted ! Is there a way to use pppoe with out proxy-arp I woud like to avoid that ? I did try it now with bridgeing vlan-s but then my masquarde rule get...
Hello, I have this old problem that I whill try to solve again, hope with more luck this time! I whill try to explane if necessary I can draw simple diagram! ISP-WAN ip x.x.x.1/29 --->My mikrotik WAN IP x.x.x.2/29 I have masquarade to WAN int. all my LAN networks and pppoe server! I woud like to use...
I thought this will work, what are my options now ? I there a way to use some of my free public Ip-s or I whill need to rearrange my network. 拓扑是WAN -(公共ip/29)--->masquerade ppppoe pool-->CPE Nat,vlan anything ?
Hello, I have a situation and need litle help :), I have a link conection to my ISP with a static public ip address and mask/29! I have been disconected because I am arp-poisioning ISP-es range of /24 ( if I understood them correctly, is a fresh problem maybe they are wrong ). Last few days I whante...
Thx for tips , I whill look into CCR and other options. 16 core model should be sufficient ? I whant to get good thing but at the same time be careful with my budget.
Hi all! I have been reading and searching but just in case I woud like few pointers pl so I dont buy cat in the bag :) ! My ayes are stuck on RB1100ahx2 for core router for small wisp project! RB woud have to handle: - PPPoE max 200 conections with user-manager - Firewall - QoS - logging users activ...