export fileyup, need to see complete config on both routers
/export file=anynameyouwish ( minus router serial number and any public WANIP info )
add chain=postrouting src-address= protocol=tcp src-port=8180 action=log log-prefix=step4
How to record this value to the log and let it display like 14.5Mbps, retaining a decimal point. Trying to find the entire forum, many will not work.Code:Select all/interface monitor-traffic LAN once do={:put $"rx-bits-per-second" }
What command do you use on the router to see this data?
interface monitor-traffic ether1
"/interface monitor-traffic ether1 once do={ :put ($"tx-bits-per-second"/1000 /1000 ) }"
"after few times throughput goes down and does not exceed 1-2MB/sec (everything else still works except bandwidth)."
chain=prerouting action=add-src-to-address-list src-address-list=ether1-lan address-list=Online address-list-timeout=5m log=no log-prefix=""
This solution is limited to the internal network has only one client deviceI find the solution myself!
Just create a rule manually, all parameter as the same as the previous UPNP rule, except fill the "dst. address" as "!", instead of the WAN address, it works!