Hi kangndo, I add the Route that you mentioned, but it looks like nothing change. I see the packages but can´t see the Web server (going to the public IP:8000). https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/98203359/Work/RB-WS%20access.png Thanks. What is the wan connection method, pppoe client? Try, Firewal...
ether2-lan : dhcp server on ether2 Then to firewall nat, i set a dstnat the whole 2.0/24 redirection to port 8989, the destination ports 80,3128 (protocol tcp) After these settings i see in cache contents that mikrotik caches all traffic to these ports. How...
First, add a new ip address (different from existing ones) on your ether-hotspot . Add ip pool for the new ip. then limit the new ip/24 on simple queue manually. create a new hotspot profile with the new ip pool you just created then use the profile for that user. its still the same... when the use...
First, add a new ip address (different from existing ones) on your ether-hotspot . Add ip pool for the new ip. then limit the new ip/24 on simple queue manually. create a new hotspot profile with the new ip pool you just created then use the profile for that user.
Create 2 profiles, first profile "1M 20G" and 2nd profile "256k with unlimited transfer". Add both profiles to the user, fist profile as active and 2nd profile as waiting So after traffic limit reached ( first profile), the user will get 2nd profile automatically. http://kangndo....
Hi, I want to share "Mikrotik Hotspot Login" plugin for wordpress. This is the hotspot login form integrated into wordpress as external login. Download the plugin Here Installation: Unzip and Upload 'mikrotik-hotspot-login' folder to the '/wp-content/plugins/' directory. Activate the plugi...