Can we run CHR in Google Cloud now?
For easier installing we have introduced CHR in OVA format, it is available on the download page.米T Support
is so difficult to create an iso version of CHR ?
因为有些KVM喜欢ramnode不允许使用virtual disk only iso
Could you please specify the exact features you would need to be implemented as they are kernel dependent and have to be tailored for the RouterOS.How about some basics... open-vm-tools... It seems pretty asinine to me that we have come this far with CHR, and still no basic vm tools.
ssh -i private.key yourusername@ '/system resource print'
vm type gen 2
hyper-v image is also broken no boot.
tryed with and without secureboot enabled.
was able to generate a gen 1 image from the vmdk and it loades w/o issues.
can perform updates for stable release?