Hey for windows we do this by creating a tool call send command list. cmd /C (IF EXIST c:\dude\plink.exe (echo y | c:\dude\plink.exe -ssh [Device.UserName]@[Device.FirstAddress] -pw [Device.Password] -m c:\dude\cmdlst.txt)) On the pc running it you need plink.exe in the listed folder (from https://w...
new in ROS 6.39 is this *) capsman - added EAP identity to registration table; I can't see it, am i looking in the wrong place? capsman -> registration table -> right click ->show columns EDIT: Nevermind found this What's new in 6.40rc2 (2017-Apr-28 05:24): *) winbox - added "eap-identity"...
as per AndreaTIK config line. your issue is here chain=forward vs chain=input input chain = stuff coming in to the router it self forward chain = stuff going through the router to something else you're blocking port 22 through the router but not blocking 22 to the router itself or you could disable ...
anyone notice when setting wireless to caps mode you can't save the settings when the certificate box says none. The word certificate goes red like you've set it wrong.
also it seems to be buggy if you log dude to memory then log dude to remote where the remote action is a syslog server on itself. It scrolls the logs appending the routername ip and time many times a second until you manage to disable the rule. screen cap of the log https://1drv.ms/i/s!Auq0xtg8ti...
*) The Dude now uses ROS log. Requires dude topic to be added in log rules; can someone explain this a bit better? So i have to log in to the router to see syslogs now. I kind of wanted to see them in the dude up on my overview panel on the big tv on my wall, is there anyway to do that now? EDIT:...
upgraded from rc10 to rc36 looks like dude is crashing now or maybe its just busy doing something like vacuuming? /dude> print action timed out - try again, if error continues contact MikroTik support and send a supout file (13) EDIT: I rebooted it works now. EDIT2: or not I'll send a supout >/du...
This seems to be a bug, i can replicate it consistently across various ROS versions and devices. I'll leave a log window open, have the time on the bar. connect to it via romon. the logs will tick over fine and the clock will tick over the seconds. As soon as i click something in winbox the screen w...
already rebuilt it and reimported my old backup. However it just did it again, I wasn't really doing anything at the time came back to the office moved some stuff around on a network map and it died again with the same symptoms. one thing i did notice this time is the first time i try and connect to...