/caps-man registration-table edit 0 comment
嗨!Can you confirm, that verify-client-certificate is a mikrotik only feature And windows EAP is not a way for make SSTP VPN to mikrotik with cetrificate/tokens?Wrong place to ask.. Contact Microsoft and ask them if such feature will be implemented.
/ip route rule add action=lookup routing-mark=ISP1 table=ISP1
action failed (6)
must be formated first
My friend, we can`t deleteanyfile from storage: old backup, supout, etc..You can't delete existing files due to they locked by running Dude.
Yes, I'am insert flash now, but CCR don`t see any new disk attachedInsert flash card or USB drive.
We can`t move/delete/create files on main storage, because error occur!Move the dude storage to the external drive and start the dude
ip firewall filter add chain=forward action=drop connection-state=new connection-nat-state=!dstnat in-interface=wan log=yes
add action=accept chain=input connection-state=new dst-address-type=local src-address-type=local
/ip firewall filter add action=accept chain=input dst-address-type=local port=23 protocol=tcp comment=This rule work add action=accept chain=input port=23 protocol=tcp comment=This rule work too, BUT both allow/block all telnet traffic
/ip firewall raw add action=return chain=bad_tcp
Can you update to latest RC? There are some trouble with interface queues!anybody with similar or (hopefully) different experience with CHR NAT throughput?
Thank you!Version 6.39rc33 has been released.
*) chr - fixed problem when transmit speed was reduced by interface queues;
Can we use L2TP + MRRU over one WAN link of PPPoE provider 1492 MTU/MRU?Kalpar- Yes, that is exactly what was done! MRRU works in same way as it did before, but it is now adjusted/updated to multi core age
/interface bridge filter add action=drop chain=forward comment="Drop all to !bridge self host" in-bridge=bridge-guest out-bridge=bridge-guest packet-type=!host
/ip route rule add dst-address table=main
/interface vlan add name=vlan-wan12 vlan-id=12 interface=sfp1 /ip address interface=vlan-wan12
/ip firewall nat chain=srcnat dst-address= action=accept place-before=0
嗨!Set auto negotiation of interface with pppoe to 100Mb/s only mode.Hi all,
I think is a cpu issue, though it isn't at 100%. I don't understand why.
Is it a software limit or a hardware limit?