Sun Jan 24, 2021 10:08 pm
Not really. Cause when you travel, you very often get to somewhere where the distance from your room to the AP you're connecting is rather long. And then you may also want your private wlan to cover the hotels dining area, or outdoors. The 5GHz just doesn't reach that long. Hence the 5GHz end up being for config access only. I can't really accept buying another product as a solution to configure the one currently in use. And the network speed in such locations are never fast anyway, so having 5GHz doesn't add much functionality.
I'm thinking maybe a script would do. Something like this psudo code to run at boot might do the trick:
#make sure net is up before running script
sleep 10 seconds
# let eth1 become wan port if connected
if eth1.connected == true (
disable bridge port where port == wlan1 & bridge = wan # remove wlan1 from bridge wan
enable bridge port where port == ether1 # assign eth1 to bridge wan
# no need to do any more if wlan1 is in AP mode
if wlan1.mode == AP exit script
set wlan1.mode == AP
set wlan1.ssid == rbconfig
set == rbconfig
enable bridge port where port == wlan1 & bridge = config # assign wlan1 to bridge config
exit script
# if we make it here, eth1 is not connected
# give wlan1 some time to connect
sleep 1minute
if wlan1.mode == station && wlan1.connected != true (
# wlan1 is in station mode, and has not been able to connect to AP - make wlan1 an AP for config
set wlan1.mode == AP
set wlan1.ssid == rbconfig
set == rbconfig
enable bridge port where port == wlan1 & bridge = config # assign wlan1 to bridge config
exit script
# if eth1 is not connected but is configured as wan port...
if eth1.connected != true && bridge port where port = eth1 is enabled (
disable bridge port where port == wlan1 & bridge != wan # remove wlan1 from bridge config or other bridges
enable bridge port where port == wlan1 & bridge = wan # assign wlan1 to bridge wan
disable bridge port where port == ether1 # remove eth1 from bridge wan)
set wlan1 config for using connect list
exit script
#如果我们这里,应该有一个wlan可用for doing config - need to change anything