I usually run containers on Linux or FreeBSD, and I thought on my hAP ac³ (running ROS 7.9) it would actually be somewhat similar to my experience on those OSes, but, I've already tried everything I can think of. I've tried importing containers, tried to build my own, and tried to manually download the containers and copying them to my router, but every single time I either get an "error" (but ROS does not specify which error, even though I've set the container logging to debug), or it imports the containers just fine, but never starts them (and never prints a single message to the logs).
I've tried importing/building containers for arm64, arm, arm32v5, arm32v6 and arm32v7, but none of those works. Also, if I try to import a container without specifying an architecture, it usually auto-imports amd64 containers, which are nowhere near the arm architecture on the hAP ac³.
Has anyone faced those issues and is able to help?