In our office, we have now USB LTE dongle (Huawei E3372h-153 LTE - HiLink) which works great with RB2011UiAS-2HnD-IN.
So: RB2011 is connected via ETHER1 to VDSL2 modem which is in bridge mode. RB2011 act as PPPOE Client.
Now, I configured LTE modem as usual. So, I added DHCP Client and did NAT on lte1 Interface. Everything works great.
Normally, lte1 interface is disabled. When I enable it, I don't need to switch off pppoe-out1 interface, because RB2011 is automatically giving lte1 interface route distance 0 and pppoe-out1 is always at route distance 1. So, when I'm enabling lte1 interface - all office works on lte connection. When I disable it, all office works on normal VDSL2 connection. It think this is the reason why it's working this way.
Now, I wanted to do a Failover thing, so in case my main VDSL2 connection is dead, RB2011 will switch on lte1 interface and voilla, I now have lte Internet in the office.
So this is my script:
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# Mikrotik的脚本复制雷竞技网站um. # Thanks to mainTAP and rextended for sharing # # Modified few contents to suite local requirements and added descriptions # Regard's / Syed Jahanzaib / # Script Starts here... # Internet Host to be checked You can modify them as per required, JZ :local host1 "" :local host2 "" # Do not modify data below without proper understanding. :local i 0; :local F 0; :local date; :local time; :global InternetStatus; :global InternetLastChange; # PING each host 5 times :for i from=1 to=5 do={ if ([/ping $host1 count=1]=0) do={:set F ($F + 1)} if ([/ping $host2 count=1]=0) do={:set F ($F + 1)} :delay 1; }; # If both links are down and all replies are timedout, then link is considered down :if (($F=10)) do={ :if (($InternetStatus="UP")) do={ :log error "WARNING : The INTERNET link seems to be DOWN. Please Check"; :set InternetStatus "DOWN"; ## ADD YOUR RULES HERE, LIKE ROUTE CHANGE OR WHAT EVER IS REQUIRED, Example is below ... /interface enable lte1 ## /ip route set [find comment="Default Route"] distance=3 ## /ip firewall nat disable [find comment="Your Rules, Example"] :set date [/system clock get date]; :set time [/system clock get time]; :set InternetLastChange ($time . " " . $date); } else={:set InternetStatus "DOWN";} } else={ ## If reply is received , then consider the Link is UP :if (($InternetStatus="DOWN")) do={ :log warning "WARNING :The INTERNET link have been restored"; :set InternetStatus "UP"; ## ADD YOUR RULES HERE, LIKE ROUTE CHANGE OR WHAT EVER IS REQUIRED, Example is below ... /interface disable lte1 ## /ip route set [find comment="Default Route"] distance=1 ## /ip firewall nat enable [find comment="Your Rules, Example"] :set date [/system clock get date]; :set time [/system clock get time]; :set InternetLastChange ($time . " " . $date); } else={:set InternetStatus "UP";} } # Script Ends Here. # Thank you
Of course, I can edit the script here:
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## If reply is received , then consider the Link is UP :if (($InternetStatus="DOWN")) do={ :log warning "WARNING :The INTERNET link have been restored"; :set InternetStatus "UP"; ## ADD YOUR RULES HERE, LIKE ROUTE CHANGE OR WHAT EVER IS REQUIRED, Example is below ... /interface disable lte1 ## /ip route set [find comment="Default Route"] distance=1 ## /ip firewall nat enable [find comment="Your Rules, Example"]
Main question is: How to adjust the script so it'll check (ping few hosts) with VDSL2 connection (which may be dead or not), not LTE1?
1) VDSL2 is dead.
2) Script enables LTE1 interface.
3) Script checks few host using VDSL2 connection:
a) if can ping them - script just disable LTE1 and it auto fall back to VDSL2
b) if still can't ping them - do nothing.
Or maybe there is another way to do it?
Sorry for long writing.