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Setting up RB750r2 hEX lite with radius server

Sat Sep 16, 2017 9:35 pm

Hey Guys,

This is my first post here, and sorry if this question has already been beaten to death already (I've spent countless hours trying to figure this out on my own, and I have little to no networking experience).

我想建立一个WPA2-Enterprise网络one of my rental properties for the tenants to use, and would like to have individual usernames and passwords for each of the tenants.

The hardware i plan to use includes:
- RB750r2 hEX lite
- Netmetal 5 RB921UAGS-5SHPacT-NM
- Raspberry Pi 3 B (as a headless radius authentication server)

I have read though Global Knowledge's "Building, Installing, and Configuring a RADIUS Server", and believe that I have a decent understanding of how to setup the server; but now my question is how do I set up/connect the router and access point to work with it?

- Using the Raspberry Pi, I hope to be able to use SSH to connect to it remotely to edit and change login credentials and permissions as I do not want to go to the property every time to make changes
- Is it possible to prevent a device registered under one account from authenticating again on a different account (say, we revoke access to the network to one tenant and do not want them to connect again using one of their roommates account)?


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加入: Sat Sep 16, 2017 9:20 pm

Re: Setting up RB750r2 hEX lite with radius server

Wed Sep 20, 2017 1:53 am

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Re: Setting up RB750r2 hEX lite with radius server

Wed Sep 20, 2017 4:35 am

do you have experience with ip addressing? could you please show your topology with its ip address?
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加入: Sat Sep 16, 2017 9:20 pm

Re: Setting up RB750r2 hEX lite with radius server

Thu Sep 21, 2017 2:02 am

Unfortunately I do not have any experience with ip addressing, however I will research it. At this time I have yet to purchase either the router or access point, as I do not know if these components will work for my application (please let me know if they will be ok for my situation). As such, I do not have the ip addresses of the devices.

Here is what I plan to have as my network topology:

And the wireless devices will then connect to the Netmetal 5

If these components are ok, I will go ahead and purchase them; and then we can go from there.


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Re: Setting up RB750r2 hEX lite with radius server

Thu Sep 21, 2017 7:06 am

Maybe this helpsviewtopic.php?t=66578

Yours respectfully!
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Re: Setting up RB750r2 hEX lite with radius server

Thu Sep 21, 2017 7:09 am

You need to familiarize yourself with the Mikrotik router and AP at home or work prior to deployment to ensure you have everything dialed in the way you want it.
Only a 5Ghz AP for your residents? Are all of their devices 5Ghz capable? Generally if very many walls are involved you need to use 2.4Ghz. Just because the AP can pump out some power doesn't mean the AP can hear the end users devices through walls good enough to have much throughput.

As far as 802.1x RADIUS authentication with FreeRadius and Mikrotik's there are a considerable number of results with searching here and on Google. ... ation.html

In Winbox click on radius and set the Ip of your FreeRadius server and the secret that you set in the FreeRadius clients.conf Select the applicable service "wireless"

Run through the FreeRadius tutorials until you get the info you need to build and dial in that side of things.

If your willing to dive in and learn a bit I think you will have no problem figuring it all out.

You also don't have to have the radius server located at the remote site. You could have it at home or work or on a VPS as long as one of those sites has a static IP.
Sometimes Raspberry Pi's will lockup and require a reboot so bear that in mind if the site is some distance.
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加入: Sat Sep 16, 2017 9:20 pm

Re: Setting up RB750r2 hEX lite with radius server

Fri Sep 22, 2017 3:00 am

Hey guys,

Thanks for the helpful responses!

@jspool I have considered both 2.4 and 5Ghz bands for this network and have found that the 5Ghz frequency will be acceptable for this network. I tested using my Netgear R7000 router running DD-WRT borrowed from home, and the 5Ghz network provided acceptable throughput in all rooms throughout the premise when connected to an iPhone 7, Galaxy S8+, and older MacBook Pro. I am not too concerned about compatibility with the tenants devices, as they are all university students with relatively new phones and computers.

I will definitely look into putting the Raspberry Pi at home if its feasible, and this is one suggestion that I had not considered before!

I have quickly watch the videos that you guys have suggested, but it seems as though it would be far more helpful if I had the devices in front of me, as such, I will go ahead and purchase the devices so I can try out the things in the tutorials.

In the meantime, I will continue to research until the router and AP arrive in a week or so.

Although I am in school for electrical engineering, I am fairly lousy with computer networks. Hopefully this will change with time, and this will be a good learning experience.


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Re: Setting up RB750r2 hEX lite with radius server

Fri Sep 22, 2017 4:05 am

Everyone starts somewhere. Being eager to learn and understanding that networking its not something you will master in a month will help you in the long run. I have been involved with wired and wireless networking for about 12 years and I am constantly learning new things and better methods. I find it fun to learn new things and to learn better ways to do old things;)
Hanging out in the forums it always great for learning as everyone approaches things a bit differently and you get to look at things from new perspectives.
Hope your project turns out well.
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Re: Setting up RB750r2 hEX lite with radius server

Fri Sep 22, 2017 8:51 am

Hi there,

I know your frustrations with getting FreeRADIUS working the way you want to.
I have compiled 4 scripts to setup my FreeRADIUS server which includes some extras that you wont need in your environment (Samba for one).

If you use just the hEX you can run radius manager that comes with Mikrotik as a lightweight version that will be able to manage concurrent sessions and usage if required.
If you stick with FreeRADIUS, i will recommend that you use MySQL as a database to query a users device or concurrent sessions

Let me know if i can help

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