Newsletter #82 (May 2018)
Posted:Mon Apr 30, 2018 8:08 am
In this MikroTik newsletter:
- 60 GHz Wireless Wire Dish - 2 Gbit/s aggregate link on 1,500 m+!
- LtAP mini LTE kit - Wireless + LTE + GPS solution with two SIM slots
- External antenna for our LTE solutions MANT LTE 5o
- RouterOS v6.42 - time to upgrade!
- CRS328-4C-20S-4S+RM, 28 port switch
- 48 V 2 A 96 W power supply
- Upcoming MUM events in 2018
- Train the Trainer in Riga and Bangkok
Download the newsletter here:
Re: Newsletter #82 (May 2018)
Posted:Mon Apr 30, 2018 10:37 am
Any chance you might think about adding some QSFP+ ports to the CRS332-32S+RM ?
Would really like to see a Dual power supply version added to the CCR 1036.It's single PSU and historic PSU issues make it a non starter in our environment.
Also would like to see a version of the CCR1016-12S-1S+ with 2X SFP+ Ports.Allowing for 2x 10 Gbit ECMP or 10 Gbit Failover , as at the moment the moment we have a circuit go down we have to fail over to a LACP'ed 1 SFP connections.
Re: Newsletter #82 (May 2018)
Posted:Mon Apr 30, 2018 11:28 am
Any chance you might think about adding some QSFP+ ports to the CRS332-32S+RM ?
Would really like to see a Dual power supply version added to the CCR 1036.It's single PSU and historic PSU issues make it a non starter in our environment.
Also would like to see a version of the CCR1016-12S-1S+ with 2X SFP+ Ports.Allowing for 2x 10 Gbit ECMP or 10 Gbit Failover , as at the moment the moment we have a circuit go down we have to fail over to a LACP'ed 1 SFP connections.
Well, we´re waiting for a next generation router from MikroTik:
viewtopic.php?f=2&t=121533For that one I assume Tile ASICs won´t be used anymore.
Re: Newsletter #82 (May 2018)
Posted:Mon Apr 30, 2018 12:33 pm
It is mentioned to upgrade in newsletter, but no mention about the recent vulnerability / security issues and which version to upgrade to, why not?
Re: Newsletter #82 (May 2018)
Posted:Mon Apr 30, 2018 1:14 pm
Any chance you might think about adding some QSFP+ ports to the CRS332-32S+RM ?
Would really like to see a Dual power supply version added to the CCR 1036.It's single PSU and historic PSU issues make it a non starter in our environment.
Also would like to see a version of the CCR1016-12S-1S+ with 2X SFP+ Ports.Allowing for 2x 10 Gbit ECMP or 10 Gbit Failover , as at the moment the moment we have a circuit go down we have to fail over to a LACP'ed 1 SFP connections.
Well, we´re waiting for a next generation router from MikroTik:
viewtopic.php?f=2&t=121533For that one I assume Tile ASICs won´t be used anymore.
Thanks saw that the other day.Will be interesting what comes out of that development.Like you said , it sorta looks like the Tile platform does not look long for this world.
Re: Newsletter #82 (May 2018)
Posted:Mon Apr 30, 2018 5:12 pm
For the CRS305-1G-4S+IN, it mentions "Support for high speed ring topology", can there be a little more said for that? Does it do something with TRILL like the IgniteNet MeshLinq switch?
Re: Newsletter #82 (May 2018)
Posted:Mon Apr 30, 2018 6:04 pm
Is there any more info about PWR-Line AP? Is it going to have full RouterOS?
Re: Newsletter #82 (May 2018)
Posted:Mon Apr 30, 2018 8:39 pm
Tons of products here! I'm still wanting to get some testing time on the wireless wire product from the last round of releases.
Got some homework.
Re: Newsletter #82 (May 2018)
Posted:Tue May 01, 2018 12:03 am
How soon will the
LtAP mini LTE kitbe made available for purchase?
Re: Newsletter #82 (May 2018)
Posted:Tue May 01, 2018 9:44 pm
Would really like to know when the 60Ghz Wireless Wire Dish will be available at dealers.
1. Are these beamforming?
2. At what distance could they be connected to a Wap60G access point?
3. At 1.500+ meters, how fast would the capacity go down? What would be the rain impact?
Any that already tried some of these.
If they are as good as there smaller sisters but up to 1500mtrs I'd probably throw my Metrolinq's out..... too much issues.....
Would really like to see these tested/test them myself...
Re: Newsletter #82 (May 2018)
Posted:Wed May 02, 2018 8:31 am
Re: Newsletter #82 (May 2018)
Posted:Wed May 02, 2018 11:50 am
And 60Ghz Wireless Wire Dish?
Re: Newsletter #82 (May 2018)
Posted:Wed May 02, 2018 11:52 am
Also! This is why both of them are in the newsletter
Re: Newsletter #82 (May 2018)
Posted:Wed May 02, 2018 12:53 pm
PWR-Line AP: how standard is supported?
Re: Newsletter #82 (May 2018)
Posted:Wed May 02, 2018 5:20 pm
Estimated Availability: Second week of May
Several other products have had repeated delays, so it's sitting and crying.
Re: Newsletter #82 (May 2018)
Posted:Thu May 03, 2018 10:23 am
Estimated Availability: Second week of May
Several other products have had repeated delays, so it's sitting and crying.
You know it's May, right

Re: Newsletter #82 (May 2018)
Posted:Thu May 03, 2018 11:39 am
Estimated Availability: Second week of May
Several other products have had repeated delays, so it's sitting and crying.
You know it's May, right

Distributors in my country don't have it yet. And most online stores don't have it as well.
Re: Newsletter #82 (May 2018)
Posted:Thu May 03, 2018 11:42 am
As you saw above: "Estimated Availability: Second week of May". This is from local distributors. It takes some time to send hardware from MikroTik warehouse to other countries. Since it is May already, it is basically two weeks or less. Not such a long time.
Re: Newsletter #82 (May 2018)
Posted:Thu May 03, 2018 11:46 am
Common guys! Is it so hard to take a look at calendar (online or paper one)? The phrase is ambiguous, but it still means something that is bound to happen either in week 19 or week 20 this year. Definitely not in week 18!
Re: Newsletter #82 (May 2018)
Posted:Thu May 03, 2018 1:18 pm
For the CRS305-1G-4S+IN, it mentions "Support for high speed ring topology", can there be a little more said for that? Does it do something with TRILL like the IgniteNet MeshLinq switch?
I'll second that. Would be nice to know if it supports something beyond (R)STP like for example Metro Ring Protocol or similar.
Re: Newsletter #82 (May 2018)
Posted:Thu May 03, 2018 1:50 pm
For the CRS305-1G-4S+IN, it mentions "Support for high speed ring topology", can there be a little more said for that? Does it do something with TRILL like the IgniteNet MeshLinq switch?
I'll second that. Would be nice to know if it supports something beyond (R)STP like for example Metro Ring Protocol or similar.
I took that as G.8032v2 support..... maybe I am just being hopeful
Re: Newsletter #82 (May 2018)
Posted:Thu May 03, 2018 4:44 pm
As you saw above: "Estimated Availability: Second week of May". This is from local distributors. It takes some time to send hardware from MikroTik warehouse to other countries. Since it is May already, it is basically two weeks or less. Not such a long time.
the problem is that the distributor is delaying the estimate every 15 days since April 2017.
If they fulfill the goal would be great.
Re: Newsletter #82 (May 2018)
Posted:Sat May 05, 2018 7:31 am
Is there any other further info about PWR-Line AP?
will it run on different phase electricity ?
how long the approx maximum range between A and B ?
Re: Newsletter #82 (May 2018)
Posted:Sat May 05, 2018 8:28 pm
Is there any other further info about PWR-Line AP?
will it run on different phase electricity ?
how long the approx maximum range between A and B ?
Basically these units communicate by putting a 27Mhz signal on the electricity wires (And that causes heavy interferences for those 27MC band radio amateurs!). So basically we talk about a radio transmitter and receiver again, like Wifi, but this time the medium is the copper wiring in the house hold.
But every poor contact, condensator, converter and some fuse terminals give a point of failure in the medium for the signal. Hence it is always recommended to plug devices direct in the wall sockets and not in extension leads and powerblocks etc. It won't pass through electromagnetic electricity meters so usually not pass beyond your meters of the building, not pass through UPS systems etc. Poor wire installations, or old ones, are also limiting factors on the communication between devices.
And off course, as well as that power over elec can have a severe impact on your neighbors 27Mc hobby, his radio can interrupt your PWR-Line communications. Although most modern PWR-line units work with frequency hopping they will probably avoid interfering sources...
This is how PWR-line device in general work. I'd presume the Mikrotik device don't work inherently different.
Re: Newsletter #82 (May 2018)
Posted:Sun May 06, 2018 1:11 am
PWR-Line devices don't work this way.
They work more like WiFi using OFDM. -> Many small QAM carriers.
HomeplugAV200 uses OFDM carriers between 2 and 32 MHz.
Newer HomeplugAV standards extend to 85 MHz or more.
Quality Brands will apply a PSD-mask to their devices to circumvent the 27 MHz ham band.
Re: Newsletter #82 (May 2018)
Posted:Sun May 06, 2018 7:30 pm
PWR-Line devices don't work this way.
They work more like WiFi using OFDM. -> Many small QAM carriers.
HomeplugAV200 uses OFDM carriers between 2 and 32 MHz.
Newer HomeplugAV standards extend to 85 MHz or more.
Quality Brands will apply a PSD-mask to their devices to circumvent the 27 MHz ham band.
嗯,不知道那么多关于实际的技术y being used but I do know in several countries radio ham users tried to stop the PWR-line products because it inflicts heavy problems on their radio frequencies. In fact I know someone that sold his 27Mhz stuff after one of his neighbors installed some TP-Link PWR-line product. They obviously don't speak to each other no more!
Re: Newsletter #82 (May 2018)
Posted:Mon May 07, 2018 10:40 am
- 60 GHz Wireless Wire Dish - 2 Gbit/s aggregate link on 1,500 m+!
What is the MTU of the RBLHGG-60ad kit radio link?
Re: Newsletter #82 (May 2018)
Posted:Mon May 07, 2018 3:42 pm
HomeplugAV200 uses OFDM carriers between 2 and 32 MHz.
Newer HomeplugAV standards extend to 85 MHz or more.
Quality Brands will apply a PSD-mask to their devices to circumvent the 27 MHz ham band.
Powerline communication is absolutely worst use of radio spectrum ever. While pretending it's only wire line communication, reality is that entire house wiring becomes one large antenna, creating jammer that can be heard for miles. These low frequency bands have very special properties (global coverage) and jamming them just to get internet connection from room to room is plain stupid. We have WIFI technologies that have much better throughput, are widely supported and are still advancing (MU-MIMO, 60GHz...). PLC can't keep up, they can only increase power and go to higher frequencies - creating even more interference. This technology will hopefully get obsolete soon, replaced by much better alternatives. Just let the PLC die, it won't be missed.
Re: Newsletter #82 (May 2018)
Posted:Mon May 07, 2018 8:56 pm
HomeplugAV200 uses OFDM carriers between 2 and 32 MHz.
Newer HomeplugAV standards extend to 85 MHz or more.
Quality Brands will apply a PSD-mask to their devices to circumvent the 27 MHz ham band.
Powerline communication is absolutely worst use of radio spectrum ever. While pretending it's only wire line communication, reality is that entire house wiring becomes one large antenna, creating jammer that can be heard for miles. These low frequency bands have very special properties (global coverage) and jamming them just to get internet connection from room to room is plain stupid. We have WIFI technologies that have much better throughput, are widely supported and are still advancing (MU-MIMO, 60GHz...). PLC can't keep up, they can only increase power and go to higher frequencies - creating even more interference. This technology will hopefully get obsolete soon, replaced by much better alternatives. Just let the PLC die, it won't be missed.
To be honest, we used it but had several hardware related issues and promised speeds were never reached, no matter what brand, no matter what model.
I agree that Mikrotik would have better not put any resources in this technology but instead of more Wifi developments...
Re: Newsletter #82 (May 2018)
Posted:Mon May 07, 2018 9:43 pm
I made quite good experiences using PLC stuff.
If done right it works better than WiFi under certain circumstances.
I once lived in a flat, where plain wifi was nearly impossible between rooms, due to overcrowded spectrum in 2.4 as well as 5 GHz bands.
The only possiblity without putting in new networking-cables was PLC.
And also remember: xDSL technologies (up to 35MHz, up to 200MHz), switching PSUs und any other improperly shielded electronics will jam the shortwave bands, too!
Re: Newsletter #82 (May 2018)
Posted:Thu May 10, 2018 4:42 pm
WOW! will CRS332-32S+RM have Hardware MPLS P switching aswell same as we now have at 317-16S+ ?????
Re: Newsletter #82 (May 2018)
Posted:Fri May 11, 2018 1:39 am
Powerline communication is absolutely worst use of radio spectrum ever. While pretending it's only wire line communication, reality is that entire house wiring becomes one large antenna, creating jammer that can be heard for miles. These low frequency bands have very special properties (global coverage) and jamming them just to get internet connection from room to room is plain stupid. We have WIFI technologies that have much better throughput, are widely supported and are still advancing (MU-MIMO, 60GHz...). PLC can't keep up, they can only increase power and go to higher frequencies - creating even more interference. This technology will hopefully get obsolete soon, replaced by much better alternatives. Just let the PLC die, it won't be missed.
When there is a WiFi product that will penetrate plumbing stacks, appliances, and masonry, not to mention the occasional walk-in-safe, I'll be happy to stop offering PLC solutions that circumvent these problems with minimal fuss.
Re: Newsletter #82 (May 2018)
Posted:Tue May 15, 2018 3:39 pm
As you saw above: "Estimated Availability: Second week of May". This is from local distributors. It takes some time to send hardware from MikroTik warehouse to other countries. Since it is May already, it is basically two weeks or less. Not such a long time.
the problem is that the distributor is delaying the estimate every 15 days since April 2017.
If they fulfill the goal would be great.
Ridiculous again, the question that year ....
Availability: Pre Order
Estimated Availability: Third week of May
Re: Newsletter #82 (May 2018)
Posted:Thu May 17, 2018 8:45 pm
Any estimates on the availability of that new PSU (48V2A96W)?
Re: Newsletter #82 (May 2018)
Posted:Fri May 18, 2018 4:37 pm
Next time I would need aCRS312-4C+8XP-PC acwith at least one gigabit routing power (with rules).
Actually,CRS312-4C+8P-PC acwould be enough (also gigabit routing).
Re: Newsletter #82 (May 2018)
Posted:Tue May 22, 2018 8:38 pm
the problem is that the distributor is delaying the estimate every 15 days since April 2017.
If they fulfill the goal would be great.
Ridiculous again, the question that year ....
Availability: Pre Order
Estimated Availability: Third week of May
Estimated Availability: First week of June
perhaps in 2020......
Re: Newsletter #82 (May 2018)
Posted:Wed May 23, 2018 8:47 am
What do you mean? LtAP mini is shipping from first week of May as promised before. If your local distributor doesn't have stock, ask around, maybe somebody else has it. Remember that it also takes some time for distributors to receive shipments, and then start selling to end users.
Re: Newsletter #82 (May 2018)
Posted:Thu May 24, 2018 12:14 am
I'm just saying that mikrotik distributors are not making much effort to make the new products available. This is not MK's fault but we can not import from other countries that have the product in stock.
p.s. New estimated Availability: Third week of June
Re: Newsletter #82 (May 2018)
Posted:Thu May 24, 2018 1:57 pm
I'm just saying that mikrotik distributors are not making much effort to make the new products available. This is not MK's fault but we can not import from other countries that have the product in stock.
p.s. New estimated Availability: Third week of June
I agree on the first line. In my experience most Mikrotik new stuff only hits the market in the EU some year or more after their first presentations (in real!) at some MUM somewhere.
但why could you not import from other countries? We only don't because it's too expensive. But I am in Europe and have been buying from the US and Canada in the past.
It's only that I find European suppliers usually cheaper, and then importing into the EU sometimes sees extra customs charges and off course the transport costs come on top too.
These 'extra's sometimes drive the price up by some 25 to 75%. That's too much.... I am on a budget so I'll buy in the EU (Usually East European countries are cheapest option....)
Mikrotik could, like some vendors do, make an 'availability' page for their products with estimated ETA's. If all distributeurs cooperate we buyers know where to go and Mikrotik will probably increase sales since all distributeurs want to be high on that list! (Because buyers go there where units are available!).
Those suppliers that stick their neck out in buying the first lots of devices from factory are winners because that's where we buyers are going.
现在我们要访问和比较(问)数suppliers of choice and could still miss that one supplier that has items in stock ready to ship......