I'm trying to set up a site to site VPN between two Mikrotik ROS devices, which is not in itself much of an issue. Unfortunately, the backhaul for the link is a 4G modem on each end, neither of which has a publicly addressable IPv4 address. Still not an issue, I've managed to get it to talk using an EoIPv6 tunnel with each side pointed at it's opposite's cloud DNS name.
This works, and I'm able to talk over it. I am experiencing some odd behaviour on occasion, which I suspect is related to MTU issues. I've tried setting Mangle to clamp the MSS to 1400, but it hasn't seemed to make much difference. But, it works.
Unfortunately, I've run into a curve ball. I need to run BACNet/IP over the link which runs over UDP. Unfortunately, for BACNet, packet fragmentation happens at the application level and the devices I'm trying to talk between don't have the ability to handle it (Its designed for within a building, I'm trying to span a single BACNet network over the link for testing purposes). On top of that, the BACNet specification requires a minimum 1497 MTU, which is more than I can run over the EoIP tunnel.
Any ideas what I can do to get around this? I was wondering if I could somehow run VPLS as a layer over the EoIPv6 link, which I believe will handle the packet fragmentation - is that correct? I was thinking then I could put a Mangle rule on either end to clamp the MSS to something like 1300, then TCP connections shouldn't fragment in inopportune times but UDP will be able to pass a full ethernet packet? Does the MSS even work like that, on the same subnet? I don't know much about the MSS, to be honest.