I am looking for your recommendations on a model of Mikrotik ethernet router to use as an Internet gateway at home. I am currently using a hEX PoE but I'm only getting about 400 Mbps through it usinghttps://www.speedtest.net/, that could be a config issue on my part so let me know if you would expect more from it.
My requirements,
1. Throughput: 950 Mbps down, 450 Mbps up.
My Internet connection is fibre to the premises, branded in New Zealand as Ultra-Fast Broadband (UFB). The UFB network is capable of up to 8 Gbps per home but I am on a 950/450 Mbps plan, and I've found it reliably delivers the plans speeds. UFB depends on VLAN tagging and PPPOE in case its relevant.
No idea on my pps requirement, but assume typical MTU and home usage (streaming TV, web browsing, torrent etc). Honestly I just want it to run as fast as possible when I need it, not that its a heavily loaded network.
3. Capacity
As an Internet gateway the router will do very little other than NAT connections and firewall based on interface/IP/port (no L7 planned).
However I will layer in a couple of VLAN interfaces, DHCP server, remote syslog, traffic flow so some extra capacity is a good thing.
Happy to share more info if its useful, but didn't want to bloat the post.