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/dev/stdout and /dev/stderr permission denied on many containers

Mon Nov 14, 2022 10:42 pm


I wanted to run a PHP based service inside a container on my RB4011.
The image I found that is compatible and slim is:

There are couple issues that are preventing the container from operation.
The first is that it's tries to write into /dev/stderr and /dev/stdout.
To resolve this I have changed the default nginx.conf andwww.conf.
I assumed that like any other container I can use a file as a mount.
So the container is defined with:
Code:Select all
/container mounts add dst=/var/log/nginx name=php_log src=/disk1/php/log add dst=/var/www/html name=php_html src=/disk1/php/html add dst=/etc/nginx/nginx.conf name=php_nginx_conf src=/disk1/nginx.conf add dst=/etc/php81/php-fpm.d/www.conf name=php_fpm_www_conf src=/disk1/www.conf add dst=/tmp name=php_tmp src=/disk1/php/tmp /container add envlist=php_envs interface=veth3 mounts=php_log,php_html,php_nginx_conf,php_fpm_www_conf,php_tmp root-dir=disk1/php workdir=\ /var/www/html /container config set registry-url= tmpdir=disk1/pull /container envs add key=TZ name=php_envs value=Asia/Jerusalem
But then I see in the logs the next log lines:
Starting runit...
Started runsvdir, PID is 5
wait for processes to start....
mv: can't remove '/etc/nginx/nginx.conf': Resource busy
mv: can't remove '/etc/php81/php-fpm.d/www.conf': Resource busy
mv: can't remove '/etc/nginx/nginx.conf': Resource busy
mv: can't remove '/etc/php81/php-fpm.d/www.conf': Resource busy
... couple times
down: nginx: 1s, normally up, want up
down: php: 1s, normally up, want up
... and repeats

I am trying to understand if the only way to customize the container is using a tar file.
I assumed I can mount files the same as directories since it makes sense to me.
Is the only way to customize the container conf files is at creation time?
Is there a way to copy customized config files into the container?

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Re: /dev/stdout and /dev/stderr permission denied on many containers

Tue Nov 15, 2022 1:53 pm

/dev/stdout and /dev/stderr permissions are fixed in latest beta releases (starting from 7.7beta6)

mounting files instead of folders are not yet implemented.
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Re: /dev/stdout and /dev/stderr permission denied on many containers

Tue Nov 15, 2022 2:05 pm

mounting files instead of folders are not yet implemented.

Until that lack is filled, you can copyallthe files out of the directory in the image containing the one you want to modify, make your changes, and then mount the changed directory over the top of the original.

Containers implement a union file system. It’s perfectly legal to have overlapping file names. The uppermost level wins.

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