print function seems to be case sensitive, does anybody know how to print a capitalized comment with case insensitive?
for example a rule with comment "ABCD", then print where comment "abc"?
印刷在哪里评论~”(|)(b | b) (c | c)”
for example a rule with comment "ABCD", then print where comment "abc"?
:global strfind do={ :local chrfind do={ :local chr $1 :if (([:typeof $chr] != "str") or ($chr = "")) do={ :return "" } :local ascii " !\"#\$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>\?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~" :local conv "====E===EEEE==E================E=UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUEEEE==LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLEEE=" :local chrValue [:find $ascii [:pick $chr 0 1] -1] :if ([:typeof $chrValue] = "num") do={ :local nv [:pick $conv $chrValue ($chrValue + 1)] :if ($nv = "=") do={:return $chr} :if ($nv = "E") do={:return ("\\$chr")} :if ($nv = "U") do={:return ("($chr|$[:pick $ascii ($chrValue+32) ($chrValue+33)])")} :if ($nv = "L") do={:return ("($[:pick $ascii ($chrValue-32) ($chrValue-31)]|$chr)")} :return "." } else={ :return "." } } :local string $1 :if (([:typeof $string] != "str") or ($string = "")) do={ :return "" } :local lenstr [:len $string] :local constr "" :for pos from=0 to=($lenstr - 1) do={ :set constr "$constr$[$chrfind [:pick $string $pos ($pos + 1)]]" } :return $constr } print where comment~[$strfind ("abc")]