I recently updated a pair of micro pops, still running RB750 on Fw 6.24 for quite some time without a problem, to Fw 6.29.
Simple config, OSPF, MPLS and PPPoE with radius, NTP + DNS server, no firewall, no Queues, nothing else.
Well, dynamic Queues added for PPPoE users.
After the upgrade, hell broke loose:
Interfaces down, all 5 at once, about every 2 hours, or each time the traffic reached above10mbps.
PPPoE server hangups, DNS server silently died, router hangs, had to mac-telnet to reboot, and so on.
Since the update, I had to constantly babysitting the router. Got a new alarm every few hours from our monitoring.
6.30rc20 already was out, so I thought, lets give it a try, Got a little better, but far from OK.
Those POPs were the last ones running PPPoE, so I switched the handful clients over to static IPs and turned PPPoE off, thinking it might get better. NOT!
In a last effort, before downgrading back to 6.24, I tried out 6.30rc24.
What a pain. Same thing, if not even worse.
So back to 6.24, and all those problems suddenly went away.
Then, this morning, I grabbed a new, out of the box Powerbox, and, after upgrading to Fw 6.30rc24, I started pasting the same configuration, line by line, into a terminal.
Please see the screenshot below:
I really even don't know where to start with:
Look at the 100% CPU, or look at those sector writes.
Adding /ip/pools/, the profile tool shows ip-pools at 67.5% cpu, and stays there, for ever.
Well, reset, and start over:
On the next try, I got 100% cpu on flasdisk, right after rebooting a newly resetted powerbox.
What the heck...
I'm done.
Back to 6.24
Oh, and Trafficflow still doesn't work in both directions(ingress/egress) either.
Have a nice day
edited to add:
Downgraded the same Powerbox back to 6.24, and not a single problem.