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6.29, 6.30rc20 and 6.30rc24 on RB750 and Powerbox

Wed Jul 01, 2015 11:06 pm


I recently updated a pair of micro pops, still running RB750 on Fw 6.24 for quite some time without a problem, to Fw 6.29.
Simple config, OSPF, MPLS and PPPoE with radius, NTP + DNS server, no firewall, no Queues, nothing else.
Well, dynamic Queues added for PPPoE users.
After the upgrade, hell broke loose:
Interfaces down, all 5 at once, about every 2 hours, or each time the traffic reached above10mbps.
PPPoE server hangups, DNS server silently died, router hangs, had to mac-telnet to reboot, and so on.
Since the update, I had to constantly babysitting the router. Got a new alarm every few hours from our monitoring.
6.30rc20 already was out, so I thought, lets give it a try, Got a little better, but far from OK.
Those POPs were the last ones running PPPoE, so I switched the handful clients over to static IPs and turned PPPoE off, thinking it might get better. NOT!
In a last effort, before downgrading back to 6.24, I tried out 6.30rc24.
What a pain. Same thing, if not even worse.
So back to 6.24, and all those problems suddenly went away.

Then, this morning, I grabbed a new, out of the box Powerbox, and, after upgrading to Fw 6.30rc24, I started pasting the same configuration, line by line, into a terminal.
Please see the screenshot below:
I really even don't know where to start with:
Look at the 100% CPU, or look at those sector writes.
Adding /ip/pools/, the profile tool shows ip-pools at 67.5% cpu, and stays there, for ever.

Well, reset, and start over:
On the next try, I got 100% cpu on flasdisk, right after rebooting a newly resetted powerbox.
What the heck...

I'm done.
Back to 6.24

Oh, and Trafficflow still doesn't work in both directions(ingress/egress) either.

Have a nice day

edited to add:
Downgraded the same Powerbox back to 6.24, and not a single problem.
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Posts: 72
加入: Mon Oct 17, 2011 1:32 pm

Re: 6.29, 6.30rc20 and 6.30rc24 on RB750 and Powerbox

Fri Jul 03, 2015 11:21 am

Please look my story ... 36#p485836
The same CPU load, the same failure to get traffic (DNAT replies in my case).
6.27 all worked ok, 6.29 rebooted frequently, 6.29.1 fixed flash writes, but not other issues.
6.30rc19 fixed CPU overload, but Bridge + Simple Queues + Firewall/DNAT still broken.

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