I hope somebody has something.
I am looking for a way to perform a site-survey on a remote client Mikrotik and be able to somehow capture the output of a wireless scan into a log or a file.
((( FYI - I know about the telnet method - but this often does not work if you are disconnected beyond 10 seconds )))
I am looking for a method (script or command line) which can perform the following:
/interface wireless scan wlan1 duration=120
/interface wireless frequency-monitor wlan1 duration=120
时间在哪里in seconds to perform the test (and hopefully save the results to be looked at later.
Is there something like this command:
[admin@mikrotik] /tool romon> ssh output-to-file=foo.txt [/interface wireless scan wlan1 duration=120]
Any advice would be great.
North Idaho Tom Jones
edit-update: This almost works - almost:
ssh output-to-file=survey-temp [/interface wireless scan wlan1 duration=12]
I suspect I am doing something wrong because the output is not going to the file "survey-temp"
Is there any way for a script to run a site-survey and save the results in the log or in a file ????
It would sure be nice if Mikrotik supported the "file" option in the site-survey and scan when used with the "duration" option.