User Manager version 5 ( available for RouterOS v7 ) supports user authentication via the Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP).

This guide will explain the steps needed to configure User Manager v5 as the authentication server for MikroTik wireless access points with users being offered PEAP and EAP-TLS authentication methods.

The guide assumes a standalone device running User Manager at the network address and 2 Access Points - one at and the other at

Installing User Manager

User Manager v5 can be found in the 'Extra packages' archive for thelatest release of RouterOS v7.

Download the archive for the appropriate CPU architecture, extract it, upload the User Manager package to the router and reboot it.

Generating TLS certificates

When using secure EAP methods, the client device (supplicant) verifies the identity of the authenication server before sending its own credentials to it.
For this to happen, the authentication server needs a TLS certificate.

This certificate should:

  1. Be valid and signed by a certificate authority which is trusted by the client device
  2. Have a fully qualified domain name in the Common Name (CN) and Subject Alt Name fields
  3. Have the Extended Key Usage attribute indicating that it is authorized for authentcating a TLS server
  4. Have Validity period of no more than 825 days

The EAP-TLS method requires the client device to have a TLS certificate (instead of a password).

To be considered valid by User Manager, a client certificate must:

  1. Be valid and signed by an authority, which is trusted by the device running User Manager
  2. Have the user name in the Subject Alt Name (SAN) field. For backward compatibility, you can also add it in the CN field. For more information please see:

Finally, theWPA3 enterprise specificationincludes an extra secure mode, which provides 192-bit cryptographic security.


  1. 使用p - 384椭圆曲线密钥或RSA密钥which are at least 3072 bits in length
  2. Use SHA384 as the digest (hashing) algorithm

For the sake of brevity (and to showcase more of RouterOS' capabilities), this guide will show how to generate all the certificates on the device running User Manager, but in a large scale enterprise environment, the authentication server and client devices would each generate private keys and certificate signing requests locally, then upload CSRs to a certificate authority for signing.

Commands executed on device running User Manager
# Generating a Certificate Authority /certificate add name=radius-ca common-name="RADIUS CA" key-size=secp384r1 digest-algorithm=sha384 days-valid=1825 key-usage=key-cert-sign,crl-sign sign radius-ca ca-crl-host=radius.mikrotik.test # Generating a server certificate for User Manager add name=userman-cert common-name=radius.mikrotik.test subject-alt-name=DNS:radius.mikrotik.test key-size=secp384r1 digest-algorithm=sha384 days-valid=800 key-usage=tls-server sign userman-cert ca=radius-ca # Generating a client certificate add name=maija-client-cert common-name=maija@mikrotik.test key-usage=tls-client days-valid=800 key-size=secp384r1 digest-algorithm=sha384 sign maija-client-cert ca=radius-ca # Exporting the public key of the CA as well as the generated client private key and certificate for distribution to client devices export-certificate radius-ca file-name=radius-ca # A passphrase is needed for the export to include the private key export-certificate maija-client-cert type=pkcs12 export-passphrase="true zebra capacitor ziptie"

Configuring User Manager

Commands executed on device running User Manager
# Enabling User Manager and specifying, which certificate to use /user-manager set enabled=yes certificate=userman-cert # Enabling CRL checking to avoid accepting revoked user certificates /certificate settings set crl-download=yes crl-use=yes # Adding access points /user-manager router add name=ap1 address= shared-secret="Use a secure password generator for this" add name=ap2 address= shared-secret="Use a secure password generator for this too" # Limiting allowed authentication methods /user-manager user group set [find where name=default] outer-auths=eap-tls,eap-peap add name=certificate-authenticated outer-auths=eap-tls # Adding users /user-manager user add name=maija@mikrotik.test group=certificate-authenticated add name=paija@mikrotik.test group=default password="right mule accumulator nail"

Configuring access points

AP running regular wireless package

Commands executed on ap1
# Configuring radius client /radius add address= secret="Use a secure password generator for this" service=wireless timeout=1s # Adding a security profile and applying it to wireless interfaces /interface/wireless/security-profile add name=radius mode=dynamic-keys authentication-types=wpa2-eap /interface/wireless set [find] security-profile=radius

AP running wifiwave2 package

Commands executed on ap2
# Configuring radius client /radius add address= secret="Use a secure password generator for this too" service=wireless timeout=1s # Configuring enabled authentication types. Can also be done via a security profile, but note that interface properties, if specified, override profile properties /interface/wifiwave2 set [find] security.authentication-types=wpa2-eap,wpa3-eap

A wifiwave2 AP can also be configured to use the extra secure wpa3-eap-192 mode, but note that it requires that all client devices support the GCMP-256 cipher and use EAP-TLS authentication.

Notes on client device configuration


When manually installing a CA in Windows, make sure to explicitly place it in the 'Trusted Root Certification Authorities' certificate store. It will not be placed there automatically.


When connecting to a network with EAP authentication, Android devices ask the user to specify a 'domain'. This refers to the expected domain of the host name included in the RADIUS server's TLS certificate ( 'mikrotik.test' in our example).

By default, Android devices use the device's built-in root CA list for validating the RADIUS server's certificate. When using your own CA, it needs to be selected in the appropriate dropdown menu.


Apple iOS does not appear to actually trust a manually imported CA to authenticate RADIUS servers. The server certificate is marked as 'Not Trusted' unless the CA was imported using Apple's proprietary 'Configurator' utility or an approved third party MDM tool.

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