RouterOS has built in SSH server that is enabled by default and is listening for incoming connections on port TCP/22. It is possible to change the port and disable the server underServicesmenu.
Sub-menu:/ip ssh
Property | Description |
allow-none-crypto(yes|no; Default:no) | Whether to allow connection if cryptographic algorithms are set to none. |
always-allow-password-login(是的|不; Default:no) | Whether to allow password login at the same time when public key authorization is configured. |
forwarding-enabled(both | local | no | remote; Default:no) | Allows to control which SSH forwarding method to allow:
host-key-size(1024 | 1536 | 2048 | 4096 | 8192; Default:2048) | RSA key size when host key is being regenerated. |
host-key-type(ed25519|rsa; Default:rsa) | Select host key type |
strong-crypto(是的|不; Default:no) | Use stronger encryption, HMAC algorithms, use bigger DH primes and disallow weaker ones:
Property | Description |
export-host-key(key-file-prefix) | Export public and private RSA/Ed25519 to files. Command takes one parameter:
import-host-key(private-key-file) | Import and replace private RSA/Ed25519 key from specified file. Command takes one parameter:
regenerate-host-key() | Generated new and replace current set of private keys (RSA/Ed25519) on the router. Be aware that previously imported keys might stop working. |
Exporting the SSH host key requires "sensitive" user policy.
Example of importing public key for useradmin
Generate SSH keys on the client device(the device you will connect from). Upload the public SSH key to the router and import it.
/user ssh-keys import user=admin
Sub-menu:/system ssh
It is able to connect to remote host and initiate ssh session. IP address supports both IPv4 and IPv6.
/system ssh /system ssh 2001:db8:add:1337::beef
In this case user name provided to remote host is one that has logged into the router. If other value is required, thenuser=
/system ssh user=lala /system ssh 2001:db8:add:1337::beef user=lala
For testing or security reasons it may be required to log-in to other host using certain source address of the connection. In this casesrc-address=
/system ssh src-address= /system ssh 2001:db8:add:1337::beef src-address=2001:db8:bad:1000::2
in this case, ssh client will try to bind to address specified and then initiate ssh connection to remote host.
Example of importing private key for useradmin
First of all, export currently generated SSH keys to a file:
/ip ssh export-host-key key-file-prefix=admin
Two filesadmin_rsaandadmin_rsa.pubwill be generated. The pub file needs to be trusted on the SSH server side (how to enable SSH PKI on RouterOS) The private key has to be added for the particular user.
/user ssh-keys private import user=admin private-key-file=admin_rsa
Only user with full rights on the router can change 'user' attribute value under/user ssh-keys private
After the public key is installed and trusted on the SSH server, a PKI SSH session can be created.
/system ssh
To execute remote command it has to be supplied at the end of log-in line
/system ssh "/ip address print" /system ssh command="/ip address print" /system ssh 2001:db8:add:1337::beef "/ip address print" /system ssh 2001:db8:add:1337::beef command="/ip address print"
If the server does not support pseudo-tty (ssh -T or ssh host command), like mikrotik ssh server, then it is not possible to send multiline commands via SSH
For example, sending command"/ip address \n add address="
If you wish to execute remote commands viascriptsorscheduler, use commandssh-exec.
Sub-menu:/system ssh-exec
Commandssh-execis a non-interactive ssh command, thus allowing to execute commands remotely on a device via scripts and scheduler.
The command will return two values:
Example:Code below will retrieve interface status of ether1 from device and output the result to "Log"
:local Status ([/system ssh-exec address= user=remote command=":put ([/interface ethernet monitor [find where name=ether1] once as-value]->\"status\")" as-value]->"output") :log info $Status
For security reasons, plain text password input is not allowed. To ensure safe execution of the command remotely, use SSH PKI authentication for users on both sides.
用户组和脚本政策执行command requirestestpermission