
CAT-M/NB-IoT and GNSS can not work simultaneously (WWAN and GNSS Rx chains in the BG77 module share certain hardware blocks, meaning the module does not support concurrent operation of WWAN and GNSS.). That is why theat+qgpscfg="priority",(0-1)command was introduced. With the help of the command, you can manually change the priority for one or the other.

at+qgpscfg="priority",0command sets thehighest priority for GNSS.

at+qgpscfg="priority",1command sets thehighest priority for LTE (WWAN).

In real-life applications, it is not very convenient to change the priority by hand and this is why, to automate the process, we advise using scripts (like those mentioned below).

注意:Starting with the 7.1rc3 firmware release, it is possible to check when is the last time that the device got NMEA data (GPS data). This information can be used for troubleshooting purposes. You can check this parameter in CLI with the command "system gps monitor once". "data-age" parameter is the one that demonstrates when was the last time that the device received an NMEA message.

Switch to GNSS on schedule

The script below should be configured with ascheduler. The scheduler will make sure that the script is initiated eachxhours/minutes (whenever you need it).

:global lat

:global lon

:global spd

:global alt

/interface ppp-client set ppp-out1 disabled=yes
log info ("disabling WWAN to get GPS coordinates")

/interface ppp-client at-chat ppp-out1 input="AT+QGPSCFG=\"priority\",0"
log info ("enabling priority for GPS")

###the time in the delay below is the time that the device will wait for to get the coordinate fix
delay 32000ms
log info ("reading GPS coordinates")
/system gps monitor once do={

:set $lat $("latitude")

:set $lon $("longitude")

:set $spd $("speed")

:set $alt $("altitude")


:set $spd [:pick $spd 0 [find $spd " km"]]

:set $alt [:pick $alt 0 [find $alt "m"]]

if ($lat != "none") do={\
log info ("enabling priority back to WWAN")
/interface ppp-client at-chat ppp-out1 input="AT+QGPSCFG=\"priority\",1"
log info ("enabling WWAN")
/interface ppp-client set ppp-out1 disabled=no
delay 1000ms
###if dial on demand is enabled
###/ping count=1

#the delay below waits for 5 seconds for the ppp connection to get established - this time can differ based on the signal strength
delay 5000ms
log info ("posting coordinates via fetch")
/tool fetch http-method=post output=user http-header-field="content-type:application/json" http-data="[\









]" url="https://change-this-URL-accordingly"}\
log info ("could not read GPS coordinates...enabling back WWAN")

/interface ppp-client at-chat ppp-out1 input="AT+QGPSCFG=\"priority\",1"
/interface ppp-client set ppp-out1 disabled=no
delay 1000ms
###if dial on demand is enabled
###/ping count=1

If "dial on demand" is enabled, uncomment (remove "###" for) ping lines "/ping count=1" in the script because without outgoing traffic → ppp interface will not establish the connection.

What this script is going to do is it going to disable ppp interface, send the GNSS priority command and wait for 32 seconds until the device gets the coordinates (it is the time/period that is suggested for the Quectel modem to get the coordinate fix). You can alter this time based on your preference and signal strength. Each individual case might be unique. After a 32-second delay, if the coordinates were successfully received (if latitude does not equal "none" but equals any other value), the script will send a WWAN priority command, enable back the ppp interface, and use "/tool fetch" to post the coordinates to the configured HTTP server. If the coordinates were not received after a 32-second delay (if latitude is going to be "none"), the script is going to send WWAN priority command and enable back the ppp interface without posting any results.

Do not forget to alter the "/tool fetch" part of the script accordingly to your HTTP server configuration/requirement.

You can also useMQTTinstead ofHTTP post. In order to do that, change the "/tool fetch" part of the configuration from:

/tool fetch http-method=post output=user http-header-field="content-type:application/json" http-data="[\









]" url="https://change-this-URL-accordingly"}\


/iot mqtt publish broker="AWS" topic="my/test/topic" message="{\




\"altitude\":$alt \


Alter the broker, topic, and message as you see fit. You can find more information on how to configure MQTT following thelink.

For example, if the MQTT server/broker is AWS, the posted result would look like this:

Automatic switch to GNSS when no outgoing traffic is detected

The 1st script is used to check whether there is any traffic and to switch the priority back and forth based on that.

The 2nd script can be used to enable WWAN priority and to publish the GPS coordinates to the server of your choice. You can use any supported protocol, like HTTPS post (fetch) or MQTT to post the coordinates.

1st script

This script below will automatically create a scheduler:

/system scheduler

add name="GPS/WWAN enabler" on-event=":delay 30s\r\


\n:local pppName ppp-out1\r\

\n:local pppModemInitInit \"AT+QGPSCFG=\\\"priority\\\",1\"\r\

\n:local gpsCmd \"AT+QGPSCFG=\\\"priority\\\",0\"\r\

\n:local idleCount 5\r\



\n:local pppStats\r\

\n:local pppStatsPrev\r\

\n:local pppStatsReset\r\

\n:local idleCounter\r\


\n:while (true) do={\r\


\n:if ( \\\r\

\n [/interface ppp-client get \$pppName running] \\\r\

\n && [/system gps get enabled] \\\r\

\n && [/interface ppp-client get \$pppName dial-on-demand] \\\r\

\ n & & \ $ pppModemInitInit = [/ ppp-client通用接口t \$pppName modem-init]\

\_) \\\r\

\n do={\r\

\n :set pppStats [:toarray ([/interface print stats as-value where name\

=ppp-out1]->0)] \r\

\n :if ( \\\r\

\n \$pppStats->\"rx-packet\"=\$pppStatsPrev->\"rx-packet\" \\\r\

\n && \$pppStats->\"tx-packet\"=\$pppStatsPrev->\"tx-packet\" ) \\\r\

\n do={\r\

\n :set idleCounter (\$idleCounter+1)\r\

\n:put (\"debug: idle \".\$idleCounter)\r\

\n :if ( \\\r\

\n \$idleCounter>=\$idleCount \\\r\

\n && \$pppStats->\"rx-packet\"!=\$pppStatsReset->\"rx-packet\" \


\n && \$pppStats->\"tx-packet\"!=\$pppStatsReset->\"tx-packet\" )\


\n do={\r\

\n :set pppStatsReset \$pppStats\r\

\n :set idleCounter 0\r\

\n :log info (\$pppName.\" idling - reseting dial-on-demand, pr\

ioritizing GPS\")\r\

\n /interface ppp-client set \$pppName disabled=yes\r\

\n :do { /interface ppp-client at-chat \$pppName input=\$gpsCmd\

\_} \\\r\

\n on-error={\r\

\n:put (\"debug: GPS at-chat error\") \r\

\n :set idleCounter 0\r\

\n :set pppStatsReset ({})\r\

\n }\r\

\n /interface ppp-client set \$pppName disabled=no\r\

\n }\r\

1 s \ r \ \ n:延迟

\n } \\\r\

\n else={\r\

\n:put (\"debug: no idle\") \r\

\n :set idleCounter 0\r\

\n :set pppStatsPrev \$pppStats\r\

\n :delay 1s \r\

\n }\r\

\n } \\\r\

\n else={\r\

\n:put (\"debug: unsupported config\")\r\

\n :set idleCounter 0\r\

\n :set pppStatsReset ({})\r\

1 s \ r \ \ n:延迟

\n }\r\

\n}" policy=\

ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive,romon \


Copy all the lines above and paste them into a new script. Run the script and you will create a "scheduler". You can check the "scheduler" under System>Scheduler>"GPS/WWAN enabler".

The raw script looks like this:

:local pppName ppp-out1
:local pppModemInitInit "AT+QGPSCFG=\"priority\",1"
:local gpsCmd "AT+QGPSCFG=\"priority\",0"
:local idleCount 5

:local pppStats
:local pppStatsPrev
:local pppStatsReset
:local idleCounter

:while (true) do={

:if ( \
[/interface ppp-client get $pppName running] \
&& [/system gps get enabled] \
&& [/interface ppp-client get $pppName dial-on-demand] \
&& $pppModemInitInit=[/interface ppp-client get $pppName modem-init] ) \
:set pppStats [:toarray ([/interface print stats as-value where name=ppp-out1]->0)]
:if ( \
$pppStats->"rx-packet"=$pppStatsPrev->"rx-packet" \
&& $pppStats->"tx-packet"=$pppStatsPrev->"tx-packet" ) \
:set idleCounter ($idleCounter+1)
:put ("debug: idle ".$idleCounter)
:if ( \
$idleCounter>=$idleCount \
&& $pppStats->"rx-packet"!=$pppStatsReset->"rx-packet" \
&& $pppStats->"tx-packet"!=$pppStatsReset->"tx-packet" ) \
:set pppStatsReset $pppStats
:set idleCounter 0
:log info ($pppName." idling - reseting dial-on-demand, prioritizing GPS")
/interface ppp-client set $pppName disabled=yes
:do { /interface ppp-client at-chat $pppName input=$gpsCmd } \
:put ("debug: GPS at-chat error")
:set idleCounter 0
:set pppStatsReset ({})
/interface ppp-client set $pppName disabled=no
:delay 1s
} \
:put ("debug: no idle")
:set idleCounter 0
:set pppStatsPrev $pppStats
:delay 1s
} \
:put ("debug: unsupported config")
:set idleCounter 0
:set pppStatsReset ({})
:delay 1s

In order for the script to work, a few conditions must be met.

The first condition is that both ppp interface (Interfaces>Interface) and GPS (System>GPS) must be enabled and work simultaneously. You may need to disable ppp before enabling GPS because they both use the same serial port. When both GPS and ppp are enabled, make sure that the second condition is met.

第二个条件是,AT command "AT+QGPSCFG="priority",1" is configured for the ppp interface under the "Modem Init" field:

这是要做什么,是发送无线广域网优先command whenever ppp connection gets successfully established.

Lastly, the third condition, is that "dial on demand" is enabled for the ppp interface:

This is required because otherwise, when "dial on demand" is disabled → ppp interface will automatically send the AT command with a WWAN priority setting (attempt to establish the connection), whenever the port is enabled back on. When "dial on demand" is enabled → after the interface gets enabled back on, ppp connection will not be established and the AT command for WWAN priority will not be sent until outgoing packets are detected.

When all 3 conditions are met → the script is going to do the following:

The script is going to compare "counters" to figure out whether there is traffic present or not (based on Tx packets and Rx packets for the ppp interface). If there is no traffic, the "counter" goes up, and when it reaches the "idleCount", ppp interface is disabled, enabled back on, and the GNS priority command is sent. During this time, if there is still no outgoing traffic present, GPS coordinates should be updated (under System>GPS). As soon as any traffic is detected, the "counter" is reset and the WWAN priority command is sent by establishing ppp connection.

Once all 3 conditions are met and the scheduler is ready, reboot the device for the script to take action.

2nd script

The second script is used to collect GPS coordinates and send them further to the server.

:global lat

:global lon

:global spd

:global alt

/system gps monitor once do={

:set $lat $("latitude")

:set $lon $("longitude")

:set $spd $("speed")

:set $alt $("altitude")


:set $spd [:pick $spd 0 [find $spd " km"]]

:set $alt [:pick $alt 0 [find $alt "m"]]

:if ($lat != "none") do={

/ping count=1

:delay 3000ms;

/tool fetch http-method=post output=user http-header-field="content-type:application/json" http-data="[\









]" url="https://change-this-URL"}\
else={log info ("could not read GPS coordinates")}

The script is going to "read" GPS coordinates, and if latitude could be "read" successfully (if latitude does not equal "none" but equals any other value), ping "" once (to generate outgoing traffic), wait for 3 seconds for the ppp connection to get established and initiate "/tool fetch" (HTTP post). Otherwise, if latitude could not be determined (when the script was initiated), nothing will happen (you will see a log message that the device could not read GPS coordinates).

You can change the "delay" line in the script to the actual time that it takes your device to successfully establish a ppp (CAT-M/NB-IoT) connection with the ISP.

You can set up aschedulerto run the script whenever you like.

The "/tool fetch" part of the script should be configured accordingly to your server settings.

You can also use MQTT instead of HTTP post. If you wish to do that, change the "/tool fetch" part, from:

/tool fetch http-method=post output=user http-header-field="content-type:application/json" http-data="[\









]" url="https://change-this-URL-accordingly"}\


/iot mqtt publish broker="AWS" topic="my/test/topic" message="{\




\"altitude\":$alt \


Do not forget to alter the broker, topic, and message as you see fit. You can find more information on how to configure MQTT following thelink.

For example, if the MQTT server is AWS, the result would look like this:

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