updated on 2015-10-27 09:47:24 GMT+02:00
時間 | プレゼンテーション | ファイル | Video |
18:00 | Evening drinks, meet'n'greet | - | - |
時間 | プレゼンテーション | ファイル | Video |
08:00 | Opening | - | - |
09:00 | 詹尼斯Jios版雷竞技官网入口ankovskis (Mikr RouterBOARD新产品oTik, Latvia) | - | - |
09:45 | Campus Network Implementation by I Made Murwantara (Universitas Pelita Harapan, Indonesia) | - | - |
10:30 | Radius and Captcha Authentication Method for Hotspot Network by Ronny Wibowo Lie (Indonesia) | - | - |
11:00 | Building Mikrotik Network Based within Company : VPN, Hotspot, QoS by Dwi Paryono (Indonesia) | - | - |
11:30 | Port-Knocking Firewall by Akbar, Ufoakses (Indonesia) | - | - |
12:15 | Lunch time | - | - |
13:30 | Scripting Workshop by Herry Darmawan, Spectrum (Indonesia) | - | - |
15:45 | Case study by Valens Riyadi (CitraWeb, Indonesia) | - | - |
16:30 | BBQ Dinner (register at http://mum.spectrumindo.com/) by Spectrum (Indonesia) | - | - |
時間 | プレゼンテーション | ファイル | Video |
08:00 | Opening | - | - |
09:00 | Customizing Captive Portal by Donny Fauzan ST, Ufoakses (Indonesia) | - | - |
09:45 | QoS Workshop by Andy Satrio Putra | - | - |
10:30 | IP Flow, Mangle, and Queue Workshop by Valens Riyadi (CitraWeb, Indonesia) | - | - |
12:30 | Lunch time | - | - |
13:30 | OpenVPN Tunnels by Novan Chris, (CitraWeb, Indonesia) | - | - |
14:30 | Virtual AP by Nico Malun | - | - |
15:15 | Wireless Workshop by Zack Baala, GoldenTek (Australia) | - | - |
16:45 | Lottery and Closing by MikroTik | - | - |
During the case studies you will be able to listen to a MikroTik user's story of how they installed MikroTik solutions to build a specific network, what issues they encountered, and how they solved them.
During Workshops you will be able to see how a specific RouterOS configuration is created to do a specific task. You will be able to interact by asking questions, connecting to the Router being used, and ask the Instructor to do specific things