updated on 2015-11-16 15:37:28 GMT+02:00
時間 | プレゼンテーション | ファイル | Video |
18:00 | Meet 'n' greet party, early registration | - | - |
Penerapan mikrotik dalam pelaksanaan ujikom siswa TKJ
Will be talking about IPV6, implementation with case study 6to4 tunnel with tunnel broker in mikrotik and IPv6 in the future, advantages and disadvantages IPV6 especially feature IPV6 in mikrotik RouterOS.
Pembahasan mengenai Proxy yang di miliki oleh MikroTik. Bagaimana penerapan di lingkungan kantor. Bagaimana cara mengaman khan Proxy dan juga menganalisa traffic users
In this presentation, i will be talking about some techniques of how to optimise wireless network (core network or access network). Some demos will be done on stage which require a participation from audiences.
There Are a lot of customer's in Indonesia subscribe telkom and firstmedia as their service provider. The ISP gave the address with dynamic ip, In this presentation I'll share my experience how to handle dynamic ip public for VPN Without third party services. (Router To Router ) with script on MikroTik.
Memisahkan Traffic Browsing dan Game Online Di Mikrotik
West Pasaman a potential teritory which is not have ideal internet infrastructure by cable from National ISP Telkom . ICT SMKN 1 Lembah Melintang is a vocational school that have networking major study as favorite program. We have 3 certified teacher and student. By Ujunggading Cyber Park we distributed wireless internet connection to 8 school that is coverage area 50km. Each client school will be a POP connection to be centre and hotspot area to another area. And now Ujunggading cyber park had coverage radius 40-60 km. Its been becouse our POP in 8 school and 8 diatrict. Problem in case about our ISP. we only get connection by copper not fiber optic. we have 5 adsl modem each have 5mbps all in it. So if we have fiber optic connection we can be more better. In our achool infrastructure we use mikrotik product. In this presented we will wxplain how we build our small wireless mini isp in poor area. in area not have better coverage fiber optic. but we can do it. we can serve our client right now. We hope we can share our experienced ti share internet in daerah tertinggal.
Materi ini membahas konfigurasi dasar mikrotik sampai terkoneksi internet, pengamanan menggunakan port knocking, pengamanan user menggunakan force DHCP dan force DNS, bandwidth management terintegrasi dengan hotspot dan integrasi dengan radius server dari win server 2012, dan blokir website terjadwal
Membangun jaringan di obyek bergerak, mustahil dilakukan dengan menggunakan kabel. Salah satu pilihan adalah menggunakan wireless. Pemilihan topologi, perencanaan dan pemilihan perangkat yang tepat sangat berpengaruh pada hasil yang akan dicapai
Purbaratu Netsim merupakan simulator WAN dan LAN karya SMKN 4 Tasikmalaya memiliki fitur yg terintegrasi dengan Mikrotik. Salah satu fitur Purbaratu Netsim adalah untuk melakukan simulasi-simulasi routing menggunakan Mikrotik.
二是什么?二是“MikroTi雷竞技网站k专用防ocol' or a protocol that only supportied by MikroTik device. In this presentation i will tell you about the new version RoMon. The new version RoMon can make a secure connection to layer 2, Mikrotik device by physical connection or layer 2 tunnel. Discovery and management MikroTik device by using Ping, SSH, Winbox (Only compatible with 3.0.rc.9 version). The new version RoMon also can do searching mikrotik device that activated RoMon that passed multiple hops.
Implementasi RouterOS Firewall untuk sistem keamanan pada perangkat jaringan public, khususnya Server yang ada di Sekolah Tinggi Teknik Surabaya. Mengaplikasikan firewall filter yang ada di RouterOS dengan konsep yang ada RouterOS Packet Flow v6. Implementation of RouterOS Firewall for security system on public network environment, such as server in Sekolah Tinggi Teknik Surabaya. Using firewall filter with RouterOS Packet Flow v6 concepts.
Presentasi kali ini akan mengupas tuntas mendistribusikan IPv4 pada ROS dalam berbagai kondisi secara efisien dan efektif. Sambungan langsung, tunneling, bahkan dalam hotspot.
Pada presentasi ini akan membahas Perencanaan redundan jaringan yang aman melalui privat WAN dan Internet menuju Branch Office Network.
Presentasi ini akan membahas cara membuat system hotspot dengan authentifikasi terpusat dengan fitur Dynamic Page dan Social Login.